

篇名 通識英文兼任教師之微觀政治策略與利益
並列篇名 General English Part-time Instructors’ Micropolitical Strategies and Interests
作者 林孟煒(Meng-Wei Mavise Lin) 、洪志成(Chih-Cheng Hung)
中文摘要 台灣一般大學及技職校院通識英文課程多仰賴兼任教師授課,而教師回應課程管理制度要求呈現質量化教學成果,所採取之教學因應策略是否能維持專業取向仍少有論述。研究用建制俗民誌設計大綱,訪談六位在十三所大學語言中心任教通識英文兼任教師,藉微觀政治視角分析其回應管理之策略。發現:(1)面對各校差異要求,兼任教師採取「配合」或「力求表現」策略,力求表現指教師利用話術或利益交換,說服學生呈現更多成果。(2)相對專任,兼任教師多保持沉默,不讓管理單位感到困擾。(3)採取力求表現策略之動機,來自文化認同利益與自我專業認同利益:文化認同利益改變師生溝通、班級經營及輔導方式,而自我專業認同利益讓其在多變教學環境中自我強化。
英文摘要 Teaching of General English courses at universities and at universities of science and technology in Taiwan relies heavily on part-time instructors. The strategies undertaken by part-time instructors of General English in response to course management regulations affect their teaching practice. The study participants were six part-time General English instructors teaching at 13 university language centers. This study applied the institutional ethnography approach to designing interview guidelines and analyzed the interaction strategies applied by the instructors in response to the language centers’ requirements from the micropolitics perspective. The following was discovered: 1) Most of the educators “went along” with distinct requirements, whereas some chose to “be noticed” and used strategies, such as sales talk or quid pro quo negotiation, to improve student outcomes. (2) The part-time instructors tended to “keep silent” and were careful to “not cause any trouble” even when they found the requirements to be unrealistic. 3) The “being noticed” strategy was associated with cultural-ideological and professional identity interests. Cultural-ideological interests influence the instructor–student interactions, class management, and tutoring strategies. Professional identity interests enable them to think positively and help students in alternative ways when they encounter a frequent change in the teaching context.
頁次 051-082
關鍵詞 兼任教師 通識英文 教師專業利益 建制俗民誌 微觀政治 part-time instructor General English teacher’s professional interest’s institutional ethnography micropolitics
卷期 56:1
日期 202204
刊名 教育研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學
DOI 10.53106/199044282022045601003