

篇名 澳大利亚“高考”科目自选的制度体系探析
並列篇名 A Study on the System of Subject Selection in the Higher School Certificate in Australia
作者 苗学杰(MIAO Xuejie) 、王岩(WANG Yan)
中文摘要 高考改革推进过程中不同利益主体基于风险收益权衡选科决策,引发了选科决断异化风险。澳大利亚制定了“考试中心指引、高校专业限定、高中选科支持、家社协同指导、成绩科学赋分、录取综合评定”的科目自选支持体系,但其也涌现出了“选科倚重成绩、走班编排冲突、大学限定缩水、考生趋易避难”的异化风险。以往鉴来,应配备学生发展专兼职指导教师,把生涯发展规划贯穿科目选择全过程;优化高中教学组织编排管理,建立规范、高效、有序的选科走班运行机制;激发高校科目限定主动权,提升大学人才培养与高中自主选科的关联度;优化科目加权赋分机制,防控“田忌赛马”机会主义风险;落实多元评价方式,提升生源甄别选拔精准度。
英文摘要 In the process of college entrance examination reform, different stakeholders have emerged alienation risk in the subject choice. Australia has developed a system of subject choices, which include for selecting subjects from UAC, professional restrictions in universities, support for selecting subjects in high schools, Joint Guidance from School arid Family, Scientific ways of evaluation and comprehensive evaluation of admission". But there are also risks such as "Over-emphasis on examination results in choosing subjects, conflicts in class arrangement, shrinkage of University restrictions, and abandonment of science subjects by candidates". We can learn some lessons from Australian HSC examination. The high school should add career development plan into the whole process of subject selection; we should improve the management of teaching organization in senior high schools and guarantee students' right to choose subjects; we should encourage universities to actively restrict the choice of subjects and improve the methods of scaling grade to avoid the game risk; the universities should carry out multiple evaluations to select candidates more accurately.
頁次 034-041
關鍵詞 澳大利亚 高考改革 科目自选 Australia college entrance examination reform subject choices CSSCI
卷期 42:3
日期 202003
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所