

篇名 藩篱与跨越:社会公平视域下的东盟职业教育发展
並列篇名 Barriers and Leaps: The Development of TVET in ASEAN from the Perspective of Social Equity
作者 张振(ZHANG Zhen)
中文摘要 东盟经济的繁荣发展与社会不公平现象相伴而生。正规、非正规和非正式职业教育具有促进弱势群体发展与维护社会公平的功能。东盟职业教育系统存在职业教育参与程度不高,女性群体接受职业教育机会偏少;职业教育经费投入不足,正规职业教育入学率相对较低;职业教育管理体制欠妥,职业教育质量有待进一步提升等问题,这些限制了其促进社会公平功能的发挥。越南、菲律宾、新加坡分别在弱势青年群体技术技能培训项目、女性群体创新创业教育项目、劳动力继续教育与培训在线项目上进行了有益探索,并取得了令人瞩目的成效。
英文摘要 The economic prosperity of ASEAN is accompanied by the emergence of social inequity. Formal, non-formal and informal TVET play a key role in promoting the development of vulnerable groups and maintaining social equity. There are some problems in ASEAN's TVET systems, such as low participation and low opportunities for women to receive TVET, insufficient investment and relatively low enrollment rate of formal TVET, inadequate management system and low quality of TVET, which limit its function of promoting social equity. Vietnam, the Philippines and Singapore have respectively conducted valuable explorations on skills training projects for vulnerable youth groups, women's innovation and entrepreneurship education projects, the labor force continuing education and training online projects, which have achieved some remarkable results.
頁次 019-026
關鍵詞 东盟 职业教育 社会公平 Association of Southeast Asian Nations technical and vocational education and training social equity CSSCI
卷期 42:3
日期 202003
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所