

篇名 教育的未来:为教育共建一份社会新契约
並列篇名 The Futures of Education: Building a New Social Contract for Education
作者 张民选(ZHANG Minxuan) 、卞翠(BIAN Cui)
中文摘要 半个世纪以来,联合国教科文组织发布了一系列重要的、里程碑式的教育文件。从学会生存、学习的四个支柱到共同利益、社会契约等理念的提出,既呈现了联合国教科文组织作为全球教育领导者的全球性思维和全球视野,也体现了其一贯坚持的人文主义传统,并在传承中创新。面对全纳教育危机、学习的贫穷、学习的非认知能力培养以及新冠肺炎疫情加剧的教育危机等,联合国教科文组织在2021年11月发布的《共同重新构想我们的未来:一种新的教育社会契约》报告中提出,要为教育构建一份新的社会契约,通过契约精神维护与践行“教育是一项共同利益”。
英文摘要 For more than a half century, UNESCO has issued a series of important and landmark educational documents. From “learning to be”, “four pillars of learning” to “the common good” and “the social contract”, these concepts present both the global thinking and global vision of UNESCO as a global leader in education. Meanwhile, they reflect the humanist tradition UNESCO has always upheld and innovated in its heritage. Facing the crisis of inclusive education, learning poverty, the development need of non-cognitive skills for learning, and education crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO proposes in its latest report, Reimagining Our Future together: A New Social Contract for Education, to build a new social contract for education, and to uphold and practice the idea of education as common good through the spirit of contract.
頁次 003-012
關鍵詞 学会生存 全球共同利益 社会契约 2030教育可持续发展目标 learning to be global common good social contract 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for Education CSSCI
卷期 44:1
日期 202201
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所
DOI 10.20013/j.cnki.ICE.2022.01.01