

篇名 公立小學教師超額制度中後進先出原則的合憲性探討:以《高雄市立國民中小學超額教師介聘作業規範》第5點第2款為例
並列篇名 Constitutionality of the Last-In, First-Out Principle in the Context of Taiwan’s Public Primary School Teacher Surplus
作者 許育典(Yue-Dian Hsu) 、鄭堯駿(Yao-Chun Cheng)
中文摘要 公立教師超額問題在近10年來因少子化因素的影響已日趨嚴重,造成各校教師間人心惶惶,每年各校均在討論彼此之間是否會減班或員額超出編制。其中,主導超額制度的後進先出原則,亦即以年資作為採擇教師是否留任原校作為唯一或主要的採擇標準,此原則造成許多的爭議,也因後進先出原則產生教學實務上的一些後遺症,故常被大家所討論。本文將透過對於後進先出原則所代表的條文:《高雄市立國民中小學超額教師介聘作業規範》第5點第2款進行合憲性探討,對後進先出原則進行法律上的分析,探討該原則適當與否。希望在超額問題日益嚴重的情況下,能為教師權益注入一筆活水,讓超額制度更加合理完善。
英文摘要 The problem of teacher overage has become more and more serious over the past 10 years. It has been suggested that the main issue lies in the declining birthrate, leading to the phenomenon of a teacher surplus. Under these circumstances, teachers are subject to the principle of last in, first out. This paper discusses the constitutionality of the fifth line of the fifth class of the super-teachers in Kaohsiung City National Primary and Secondary Schools through the provisions of the principle of last-in, firstout. The paper undertakes a legal analysis of the last-in, first-out principle and explore whether it is appropriate or not. Finally, the principle of last in, first out should be exempted from exceeding the constitutional analysis and proposals should be made.
頁次 001-034
關鍵詞 合憲性探討 後進先出原則 教師工作權 教師平等權 教師超額制度 constitutional review last-in first-out teacher’s right to work teachers’ equal rights teacher redundanc TSSCI
卷期 51
日期 201812
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272018120051001