

篇名 儿童模仿活动类型化的内在机理与发展意蕴
並列篇名 The Mechanism of Categorization of Children’s Mimetic Activities and Their Developing Meanings
作者 邱关军(QIU Guan-jun)
中文摘要 以伍尔夫的“曼波秀” 研究为分析对象,提出:儿童日常生活中的模仿活动是儿童自发、自觉、自主建构与世界相似关系的生长活动。以加勒斯的神经现象学理论为分析框架,提出现象自我、功能自我和神经自我在儿童对经验范型的模仿中发挥重要作用,儿童模仿世界据此类型化为离身模仿、具身模仿、认知性模仿、体验性模仿以及表现性模仿等。多样态的儿童模仿活动有助于实现其认识能力、社会交往以及创新能力的发展。面向儿童模仿世界的教育学立场应调整为:提供恰当的经验范型,给予儿童更多模仿的自由,以及灵活运用指导策略。
英文摘要 Taking a mambo showstudied by Professor Wulf as an example, it concludes that mimetic activities in children^ daily life is an initiative, independent and automatic self-developing activity through building relationship with the world. According to the neuro-phenomenology theory of Gallese, the different layer of the multiple self-including phenomenal self, functional self and neural self-devote to categorization of disembodied mimesis, embodied mimesis, cognitive mimesis, practical mimesis and expressive mimesis of children with the experience exemplars in their life. Children’s mimetic activities play an important development-cultivating role in their own cognitive ability, social communication skills and creativity growth. The proper pedagogical position should be taking care of children^ mimetic world and then providing proper exemplars, leaving more freedom and strengthen flexible guidance for children.
頁次 021-031
關鍵詞 儿童模仿活动 经验范型 现象自我 功能自我 神经自我 children’s mimetic activity experiential exemplar phenomenal self functional self neural self
卷期 18:4
日期 202108
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2232.2021.04.003