

篇名 網路倫理認知與行為間矛盾與誘惑之探究
並列篇名 A Probe into the Contradiction and Temptation Between Network Ethics Cognitive and Behaviors
作者 溫明麗(Sophia Ming-Lee Wen) 、張雅淨(Ya-Ching Chang) 、李詠絮(Mai, Y. H. Lee) 、胡玉玲(Yu-Ling Hu)
中文摘要 資訊科技滿足物質生活也伴隨權力宰制。面對主體性消蝕之危,教育更應發揮人文性、倫理性及審美性的化育之功,以維護使用的安全與公平,亦敏銳覺知使用者權力限縮,甚至斲傷主體性的矛盾。本文借傅柯權力系譜學彰顯不當權力和喚醒主體性的理念,以訪談27名師生及家長蒐集資料,透過批判論述法探究網路倫理認知與行為間的矛盾和誘惑,並據此提出課程與教學建言。本研究結果發現,目前網路倫理認知存在人性盲點,教學成效尚不足;師生對非屬科學真理的網路倫理覺知甚為薄弱,可見網絡文化環境亟待建立;復以,受訪者對網路倫理的認知和行為與其自我意識互有異同,可見規劃共通性和彈性課程實有必要;本文提出「思覺行盼」的批判思維,歸納網路倫理課程與教學原則,並勾勒出教學架構和課程地圖,對網路倫理課程與教學具有引導作用,也為後續縱貫與橫斷面行動研究奠定參照基礎。
英文摘要 This article is based on the fact that information technology (IT) has the characteristics of satisfying human needs for material life, while its companion power challenging the connotation of all human beings on happy life. Education can enhance people’s understanding and application of IT. However, in the face of human subjectivity and the dignity being dysfunction, education should highlight its humanity, ethics, and even the ultimate vision of aesthetics. In light of Foucault’s genealogical analysis and critique of power, knowledge and subjectivity being similar to the nature of the instrumental rationality and manipulations of IT, this paper borrowed these concepts to probe users’ contradictions and temptations between cognition and behaviors to illuminate a network ethics curriculum and teaching. Beside literature review, the data were collected from 27 subjects of the schools at all levels, including teachers, students and parents to clarify the current situation and teaching needs through critical discourse analysis. Secondly, based on the empirical findings by means of a meta-philosophy, i.e. thinking, feeling, acting and wishing, the network ethics curriculum and course objectives, connotation and teaching principles were summarized. Finally, the course structure and curriculum map were provided for teachers. This article provides a solid base for teaching and the action research for the future research of cross-section and cross-section.
頁次 141-170
關鍵詞 網路倫理 課程與教學 認知與行為 系譜學分析 權力 network ethics curriculum and instruction cognitive and behavior genealogical analysis power TSSCI
卷期 23:3
日期 202007
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202007_23(3).0006