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篇名 印尼伊斯蘭高等教育品質保證與評鑑制度之探討:衝擊與困境
並列篇名 A Study on Quality Assurance and Accreditation System of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia: Conflicts and Dilemmas
作者 葉玉賢(Yu-Hsien Yeh) 、陳怡如(Dorothy I-Ru Chen)
中文摘要 高等教育全球化促使大學競爭國際化及人員頻繁流動,世界各國為確保國際專業人才與跨國學生流動的品質,紛紛規劃高等教育品質保證系統,印尼也不例外。1980年代,印尼高等教育品質保證系統的發展已開始運作,國家高等教育品質認證局(BAN-PT)所服務的對象除了一般高教機構,伊斯蘭高教機構的「伊斯蘭製造」也是BAN-PT的品保範圍。2012年,印尼推動的印尼國家資歷架構(KKNI)即象徵高教發展需符合國家發展政策的目的,而伊斯蘭高教的伊斯蘭製造,也須由BAN-PT的認證,才能讓課程出品、教學上架。全球化對伊斯蘭高教品保的影響,考驗其「伊斯蘭價值」在高教的定位,此是否也將是BAN-PT推動品質認證的困境?本文的研究目的首先在探究印尼伊斯蘭高教如何平衡「科學」與「伊斯蘭」對其發展的拉扯?其次,KKNI與BAN-PT品質保證系統之導入對伊斯蘭高教造成何種衝突與困境?透過文獻整理,本研究獲致以下結論:一、伊斯蘭高教的「品質」概念呈現「伊斯蘭」與「科學」之間的鐘擺現象,呼應高等教育全球化對伊斯蘭高教的影響;二、印尼伊斯蘭高等教育的品質保證機制逐步與學歷採認、資歷架構連動;三、印尼伊斯蘭高教品質保證與評鑑制度落實之困境表現在BAN-PT評鑑人員受賄醜事、資源整合與工作量失衡等組織內外問題。
英文摘要 The globalization of higher education has led to the internationalization of university competition and the frequent flow of personnel. In order to ensure that the “quality” of international professional talents and transnational student flows can achieve effective functions, countries around the world have planned higher education quality assurance systems. Since Indonesia promulgated the Law of Republic Indonesia about National Education System 1989, the development of its higher education quality system has been legalized, stipulating the role of the government in the evaluation and certification of each educational unit, and the establishment of Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) is of epochal significance. The quality assurance system of Islamic higher education institutions plays a very important role. The paper aims to explore how much the quality assurance system of Islamic higher education institutions could respond appropriately to the impact of globalization. Under the trend of Islamic globalization, how the two concepts, “science” and “Islam” , could still coexist and correspond to the position of Islamic higher education in Indonesia higher education contexts? And under the implementation of Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) and the quality assurance system from BAN-PT, what and how the conflicts and dilemmas the Islamic higher education would have?
頁次 079-108
關鍵詞 伊斯蘭 全球化 品質保證系統 高等教育評鑑 國家高等教育品質認證局 Islam globalization quality assurance system higher education evaluation Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT)
卷期 95
日期 202311
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會
DOI 10.53106/160957582023110095003