

篇名 日本小學卓越校長領導行為之研究
並列篇名 A Study of Excellent Primary School Principals’ Leading Behaviors in Japan
作者 謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh) 、林雍智(Yung-Chih Lin) 、曾文鑑(Wun-Jian Tseng)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討日本卓越校長之領導行為,以訪談研究法為主,選取五位日本卓越小學校長為主要研究對象,並佐以相關教職員觀點、研究者自身觀察與相關文件資料之審視加以討論。研究結果顯示,日本卓越校長在「共塑學校願景」、「發展教師能力」、「組織專業社群」、「領導師生教學」及「統整內外資源」上的領導行為,均能表現出國際上對卓越校長認定的領導行為,亦具有日本獨特特徵:日本卓越校長能夠以「專業堅持」的態度共塑學校願景,凝聚成員共識;強調以「報告-聯絡-相談」的方式去解決問題,並活用企業管理策略來經營學校組織;在領導教學方面,採取「兼顧宏觀引領與微觀指導」的方式進行,並建構“community school”將學校教育目標與當地社區共享,實現學、社共榮發展。研究結論上,建議相似文化脈絡之國家可參酌日本卓越校長之優良做法,並從更多元的角度持續開展卓越校長領導之相關研究。
英文摘要 This study aims to explore the leading behaviors of excellent primary school principals in Japan. Interview method is used in this study which involves interviewing five excellent primary school principals in Japan. In addition, the perspectives of the school members, the researcher’s self-observation, and the reviews of relevant documents are taken as reference as well. The results of this study show that excellent Japanese principals are with characteristics in “creating common visions,” “developing human resources,” “organizing communities for teachers,” “leading instructions,” as well as “guiding inside and outside environments,” which all accord with the international references and the unique Japanese cultural contexts. Excellent Japanese principals are able to create school vision with school members by “professional persistence attitude” so as to build consensus among school members. Excellent Japanese principals care about teachers’ professional development through “institutional interviews,” where they give teachers positive encouragements and personalized supports. Excellent Japanese principals also put emphasis on solving problems by means of “reporting-contacting-talking,” and they also flexibly apply management strategies of enterprise to their schools. As for the dimension of “leading instruction,” excellent principals adopt the method of “consideration for both macro guidance and micro leading” through which they share the goals of school education with local communities by constructing the “community school” system, so that they can achieve the common development of school and communities. In conclusion, it is suggested that countries sharing similar cultural contexts with Japan can refer to the great practices of excellent Japanese principals. Furthermore, it is recommended that future studies regarding excellent principal’s leadership can be conducted from a more diversified perspective.
頁次 001-039
關鍵詞 日本校長 卓越校長 領導行為 Japanese principal excellent principal leading behavior TSSCI
卷期 24:1
日期 202102
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.3966/156082982021022401001