

篇名 从“资格教师”到“合格教师”──英格兰教师法定见习制度研究
並列篇名 From Qualified Teacher to Competent Teacher ── On the System of Statutory Induction for Newly Qualified Teachers in England
作者 陆道坤(LU Dao-kun)
中文摘要 教师法定见习制度是英格兰一项重要教师教育制度,该制度兼具对初获资格的新教师进行教学能力训练和从中进行合格教师甄选的双重功能。对资格教师进行教学能力训练是法定见习制度的主要功能,其特点和优点有:注重长时段(三学期)的教师教学能力养成;提倡教师基于教学实践开展教学反思;凸显责任导师与教学专家在教师教学能力发展中的作用;基于“过程评价一反馈”模式推动教师能力发展。基于教师见习期表现的综合评价,法定见习制度同时发挥了甄选作用。该制度有效地保证了英格兰教师队伍“增量”的质量,但在运行中,不足之处也日益显现,如见习基地建设与评价一优化机制缺失,责任导师遴选与评价机制尚未形成,见习教师个性发展关注不足。
英文摘要 The System of Statutory Induction for Newly Qualified Teachers (England) is an important teacher educational system of England which has dual functions of qualified teacher's teaching ability training and competent teacher selection. Enhancing the teaching ability of newly qualified teachers by training them in real teaching scene is the core function of the system of statutory induction for newly qualified teachers (England) which has the following key advantages: a)laying emphasis on the lengthy time(3semesters) cultivation of teachers' teaching ability; b)encouraging teachers reflecting on their teaching practice; c) highlighting the role of induction tutor and teaching experts in the development of teachers' teaching ability; d)promoting teachers professional development based on the "process evaluation-feedback" mode. Based on evaluation of teachers' performance in the induction process, the system of induction for newly qualified teachers also plays an important role in selection of competent teacher. However, the system of induction for newly qualified teachers has its distinguishing features as well as its limitations such as lacking of system of construction and mechanism of evaluation optimization, lacking of selection and evaluation mechanism of induction tutor, paying little attention to personal development of newly teacher.
頁次 067-073
關鍵詞 见习制度 英格兰 资格教师 合格教师 statutory induction for newly qualified teachers England qualified teacher competent teacher CSSCI
卷期 42:1
日期 202001
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所