

篇名 優質化高中組織動能變化及其影響之縱貫研究
並列篇名 Longitudinal Study on Changes in Organizational Capacities of SAP High Schools
作者 劉秀嫚(Show-Mann Liou) 、李哲迪(Che-Di Lee) 、林國楨(Gwo-Jen Lin) 、鍾蔚起(Wei-Chi Chung) 、陳佩英(Pei-Ying Chen)
中文摘要 高中優質化輔助方案乃政府為順利推動十二年國民基本教育,回應全球化人才培育的教育改革之配套措施,其目的在開發學校的組織動能,提高學生就近入學率,以及均衡城鄉差距。高優方案自2007年全面實施以來已逾10年,雖不乏針對高優方案推動歷程、實施成效與績效評估之研究,但多為針對特定期程或年度的方案成效或績效評估。有鑑於此,本研究分析三個期程全程參與高優方案的17所學校之各期程問卷資料,並輔以相關文件與訪談,以瞭解學校在校長領導、行政效能、教師社群動能的變化情形,以及其對學生與家長學校認同之解釋力。研究結果顯示:一、17校在三個期程的校長領導、行政效能及教師社群動能,均呈現先升後緩降之趨勢,但學生學校認同與家長學校認同呈現穩定上升趨勢;二、此17校依學校整體動能之改變可分為動能提升、動能漸減及起伏變化三類型;三、校長領導、行政效能、教師社群動能、學生學校認同與家長學校認同等變項間,在三個期程皆呈現中度到高度正相關;四、行政效能對教師社群動能有較高的解釋力,但校長領導對學生學校認同及家長學校認同有較高解釋力。最後,根據分析與討論,提出對政策制定與方案推動的建議。
英文摘要 In response to the educational reform for global human resource development, Taiwan’s government launched the School Actualization Program (SAP) as a supplementary measure to successfully implement a 12-year basic education system. The purposes of the SAP are to develop school organizational capacities, raise student enrollment in community schools, and narrow the urban–rural gap in educational quality. The SAP was implemented in 2007. Although research has been conducted on the implementation and evaluation of the program, most of the evaluations have focused on specific phases or academic years. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to investigate schools to determine changes in principal leadership, administrative effectiveness, teacher collaborative capacities, and student and parent identification with schools during the three phases of the SAP. Data collected from principals, administrators, teachers, students, and parents were analyzed. Relevant documents obtained from and interviews conducted with staff of 17 SAP schools were also included. The power of organizational collaborative capacities to explain student and parent identification with schools was examined. The results are outlined as follows: (1) The principal’s leadership, administrative effectiveness, and teacher collaborative capacities of the 17 schools increased at first and then decreased slightly; however, student and parent positive identification with schools increased continuously. (2) The 17 schools can be categorized into three clusters according to their overall organizational capacities: increasing school capacity, decreasing school capacity, and fluctuating school capacity. (3) The relationships among principal leadership, administrative effectiveness, teacher collaborative capacities, and student and parent identification with schools ranged from moderate to highly positive. (4) Finally, teacher collaborative capacities were better explained by administrative effectiveness; however, student and parent identification with schools was better explained by principal leadership. This paper discusses the results and provides recommendations for policy design and SAP advancement.
頁次 077-116
關鍵詞 行政效能 校長領導 高優方案 教師社群動能 學校認同 administrative effectivenes principal leadership school actualization program teacher collaborative capacitys identification with school TSSCI
卷期 52
日期 201906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272019060052003