篇名 变革与阻滞:新高考背景下县中育人方式的资源约束
並列篇名 Reform and Retardation: Resource Constraint of Education Methods in County High Schools under the Background of the New College Entrance Examination
作者 徐东波(XU Dongbo) 、庞颖(PANG Ying)
中文摘要 转变县中育人方式是适应新高考改革之需,促进县中振兴之要。通过对典型案例进行调研发现:M县中育人方式的积极变革十分有限,更多表现为变革阻滞,如学生被限制选科走班,生涯规划教育与综合素质评价活动走向形式化、表面化、功利化,学科教学总体没有改变;变革的过程经历了“不确定的响应”“基于反馈的调整”“对应试的巩固”三个阶段。阻碍M县中育人方式变革的因素包括宽松的政策执行要求、相对弱势的物质条件、集中统一的管理倾向等,但问题的实质在于县中的竞争型场域与行动者的应试性惯习。为促进县中育人方式变革,可以从县域环境、新高考形式、县中应试等多个层面着手,塑造利于变革的县域氛围,发挥集中统一的考试优势,促进分数应试向素养应试发展。
英文摘要 Transforming the educational approach in county schools is essential to align with the new college entrance examination (Gaokao) reforms and to foster county revitalization. Research into typical cases reveals that M county high school has seen minimal positive shifts in educational methods. These limitations are evident through various impediments to change, such as restrictions on students' subject and course selections, the trend of career planning education and comprehensive quality evaluation activities becoming formalistic, superficial, and utilitarian, and the persistence of traditional subject teaching methods. The process of change has unfolded in three phases: an initial "uncertain response" to the reforms, followed by "feedback-based adjustment", and eventually leading to the "consolidation of exam preparation" strategies. The factors impeding the transformation of educational methods in M county include lax policy enforcement, subpar infrastructure, and a tendency towards centralized and uniform management. However, the crux of the issue resides in the competitive academic environment and the entrenched exam-centric practices prevalent in the county. To facilitate the transformation of educational methods in county settings, multi-faceted initiatives are needed. These could include improving the county environment, adapting to the new Gaokao format, and reforming the county-level examination system. Creating a supportive county atmosphere for change, capitalizing on the benefits of centralized and uniform exams, and steering the focus of assessments from score-centric to competency-based are all pivotal steps in this process.
頁次 050-057
關鍵詞 县域普通高中 育人方式变革 新高考 county level ordinary high schools reform of educational methods New College Entrance Examination CSSCI
卷期 22:1
日期 202402
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學