

篇名 由“术”达“美”:美术教科书70年之演进、成就与反思
並列篇名 From “Art” to “Aesthetics” : Evolution, Achievement and Reflection of Art Textbooks in 70 Years
作者 李海萍(LI Hai-ping) 、彭嘉俊(PENG Jia-jun)
中文摘要 美术教科书在新中国成立以来70年的发展经历了四个阶段:前17年美术教科书的充实与提高、“文化大革命”时期美术教科书的无序与停滞、改革开放初期美术教科书的改革与繁荣、21世纪美术教科书的转型与深化。在这一发展过程中,确立了“由‘术’达‘美’”的美术教育理念,形成了分段设计且依次递进的美术教科书体系,建构了文化多元与文化自信融合的美术教科书内容,实现了从“教本”到“学本”的美术教科书价值转向。当下之美术教科书,在功利主义重压下应进一步落实其价值理念,在学科分割传统中应进一步促进其知识融合。
英文摘要 In the past 70 years, the development of art textbooks in New China 70 has gone through four stages: (1) the enrichment and improvement period in the first 17 years, (2) the disorder and stagnation period during the Cultural Revolution, (3) the reform and prosperity period in the initial stage of Re-form and Opening-Up, and (4) the transformation and deepening period in the new century . In this development process, the art concept of from 4arts' to 4aesthetics' was established; the art textbooks system was constructed which was segmentally and successively designed; the contents of the art textbooks fusing cultural diversity and cultural self-confidence were constructed; and the values of art textbooks have changed from “teaching-centered books” to “learning-centered books”. The study suggests that the current art textbooks should further implement their values against the pressure of utilitarianism, and should further promote knowledge integration responding to a tradition of discipline division.
頁次 044-054
關鍵詞 美术教科书 新中国70年 以美育人 价值理念 知识融合 art textbooks 70-year New China educating people with aesthetics values knowledge integration CSSCI
卷期 16:3
日期 202006
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.03.006