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篇名 法國阿爾薩斯雙語教育之發展與借鑑
並列篇名 The Development of Bilingual Education in Alsace and Its Policy Implications
作者 葉珍玲(Chen-Lin Yeh)
中文摘要 因位處歐洲心臟地區,並與德國和瑞士交界,阿爾薩斯長期受德、法兩種語言與文化影響。自1980年代起,阿爾薩斯以歷史和文化遺產為其語言政策基礎,明確揭示其雙語政策之定位。法德雙語教育在阿爾薩斯的公立學校實施已近30年,其所建置的雙語教育機制不僅是全法現代語言教育的先驅,更被視為促進多元文化的典範。本文介紹阿爾薩斯法德雙語教育的發展背景、政策理念及實施原則,並分析其雙語教育成效與挑戰,最後提出建議,希冀對臺灣雙語教育之推動帶來啟示。
英文摘要 Situated in the heart of Europe and on the west bank of the upper Rhine next to Germany and Switzerland, Alsace has long been influenced by French and Germanic languages and cultures. Since the 1980s, the historical and cultural heritage of Alsace has constituted the foundation of its language policy which affirms its identity and bilingual orientation. French- German bilingual education has been implemented in public schools in Alsace for nearly 30 years. The bilingual education mechanism in Alsace is not only a pioneer of modern language education in France, but also regarded as an exemplar for promoting multiculturalism. This article focuses on the background, policy concepts and implementation principles of French-German bilingual education in Alsace, and analyzes its effectiveness and challenges. Suggestions are provided for improving bilingual education policy in Taiwan.
頁次 098-111
關鍵詞 語言政策 雙語定位 雙語教育 language policy bilingual orientation bilingual education
卷期 321
日期 202101
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021010321007