

篇名 臺灣邁向2030教育挑戰與行動之探析
並列篇名 An Analysis of Educational Challenges and Actions for 2030 in Taiwan
作者 吳清山(Ching-Shan Wu)
中文摘要 教育之主要目的在於培育人才,它是促進個人發展、社會進步和國家建設的基礎,必須隨著社會、經濟、政治、科技和文化的變革,而調整其目標、內容和方法,才能有效發揮其功能。再過8年,就要進入2030年,教育所面臨的挑戰將更大,尤其這次新冠疫情帶給教育的衝擊更甚以往,勢必影響到未來教育發展。本文透過相關文獻探討,分析臺灣邁向2030年面臨的八大挑戰,並提出十大教育行動,特別建議以「打造一流教育,共創學生幸福」為教育願景,採3EIS─公平(equity)、卓越(excellence)、效能(effectiveness)、創新(innovation)、永續(sustainability)─的核心價值,擘劃未來教育發展藍圖,作為教育因應2030年新時代來臨之參考。
英文摘要 The main purpose of education is to cultivate talent. It is the basis for promoting personal development, social progress, and nation-building. It must be adjusted in accordance with social, economic, political, technological, and cultural changes to transform its objectives, content and methods in order to achieve educational effectiveness. In another eight years, we will enter the 2030s. The challenges we face in education will be even greater: In particular, the impact of COVID-19 on education will be greater than ever, and it will inevitably affect the development of education in the future. This paper analyzes the eight major challenges facing education by 2030 through literature review, and proposes ten major educational actions. It is particularly recommended to “build a first-class education and create student wellbeing” as the primary vision for education, adopt the 3EIS “equity, excellence, effectiveness, innovation” as core values, and design the blueprint for educational development in the future as a reference in response to the new era in 2030.
頁次 004-020
關鍵詞 未來教育 教育行動 教育挑戰 the future of education educational actions educational challenges
卷期 333
日期 202201
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022010333001