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篇名 十二年國教國小本土語課程師資供需與實施之研究:以閩客語為例
並列篇名 A Study of Native Language Teacher Demand and Supply and Curriculum Implementation at Elementary School Level of Twelve-Year Basic Education: The Example of Min & Hakka Language Curriculum
作者 馮莉雅(Li-Yia Feng) 、蘇雅慧(Ya-Hui Su)
中文摘要 國小的教學型態是包班制,但本土語有專長授課之規定,本研究旨在分析十二年國教本土語教師供需與課程實施之問題,採用焦點訪談和教育部資料庫全國國小本土語教師專長授課資格和教學情形,交互分析本土語課程實施之問題。有7項研究結果:(1) 國小本土語的師資以教學支援人員為主,有師資招聘和素質不齊的問題。(2) 認證標準高、沒有鼓勵誘因,降低現職教師取得本土語專長授課資格的意願。(3) 有專長資格的教師不願教授本土語,學校無法強制要求教師授課。(4) 課程重要性、包班制教學型態和教師員額是國小閩客語專長師資不足的主因。(5) 包班制教學型態和教育部排課的限制,學校規模越大的國小,本土語專長教師需求人數比例越高。(6) 依年級調整專長授課的條件,是短期改善閩客語師資需求的有效策略。(7) 很少學校知道本土語開課規定,也認為開課規定加重學校排課困難。
英文摘要 This study aims to analyze native language teacher demand and supply and curriculum implementation. The research methods include focus group interviews .The analyzed data also includes the specialty qualifications and teaching information of 2575 Min & Hakka language teachers of elementary schools from k-9 teachers human resources net of MOE. The study shows 7 results with respect to (1) Min & Hakka language teacher recruit and uneven quality, (2) the high accreditation standard and lacking incentives, and thus the low willingness of existing teachers for acquiring Min & Hakka language teaching qualifications, (3) no enforcing mechanism to compel teachers who have owned Min & Hakka language teaching qualifications to teach Min & Hakka language courses, (4) teacher insufficiency due to whole-class teaching types and Min & Hakka language teacher quota, despite language importance, (5) the high percentage demand of Min & Hakka language teachers in large-scaled schools (6) temporarily effective strategies through changing and accommodating Min & Hakka language teacher requirements according to different year grades, (7) only a few schools knowing how to apply for and make possible starting Min & Hakka language courses in schools.
頁次 021-046
關鍵詞 閩客語 教師供需 本土語 Min & Hakka language Teacher demand and supply Native language
卷期 17
日期 201906
刊名 教師專業研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學/教師之友雜誌社