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篇名 台灣性騷擾事件新聞報導之內容及趨勢分析
並列篇名 The Content and Trend Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Sexual Harassment in Taiwan
作者 王嵩音(Song-In Wang)
中文摘要 本研究以量化方式觀察媒體報導性騷擾事件的趨勢,尤其著重於比較在#MeToo運動前後,新聞媒體報導性騷擾事件內容及「性騷擾迷思」的差異情形。本研究以過去10年(2009∼2018)《聯合報》與性騷擾有關的報導為對象進行內容分析。分析結果顯示,「缺乏證據」為最常出現的事件迷思,「喜歡對方」及「穿著暴露」則是最常出現的加害者迷思與受害者迷思。研究也發現,#MeToo運動確實為重要的關鍵。#MeToo運動之前以報導性騷擾發生在「公共場所」的比例占最多數,而在#MeToo運動之後則以發生在「工作場所」的比例最高。此外,在#MeToo運動之後的報導沒有詳細描述過程,也沒有隱含任何性騷擾的迷思。
英文摘要 This study examines trends in Taiwanese newspaper coverage of sexual harassment reports and analyses such coverage in the content of “sexual harassment myths” endorsed in these news stories before and after the #MeToo movement. A content analysis was conducted by using sexual harassment news coverage of the United Daily News from 2009-2018 as the sample. The results of the analysis showed that “lack of evidence of harassment,” “attackers motivated by courtship” and “victims wearing revealing clothes” were the three most prominently reported sexual harassment myths. This study also found that the #MeToo movement was indeed an important landmark. Before the #MeToo movement, the highest percentage of stories occurred in “public places,” whereas afterward the highest percentage of stories covered involved the “workplaces.” In addition, there is a finding that after the #MeToo movement, the newspaper coverage did not elaborate on the details of sexual harassment stories nor the context of sexual harassment myths.
頁次 023-049
關鍵詞 #MeToo運動 性騷擾 性騷擾迷思 新聞報導 #MeToo movement sexual harassment sexual harassment myths news coverage
卷期 27:1
日期 202105
刊名 台灣性學學刊
出版單位 台灣性教育學會
DOI 10.3966/160857872021052701002