

篇名 在臺的大陸交換生跨文化人際交往之社交圈孤立問題-以臺灣中部的一所綜合性大學為例
並列篇名 Social Isolation of Cross-Cultural Communication on Mainland Exchange Students in Taiwan: A Case Study of One Comprehensive University in Central Taiwan
作者 侯美卉(Mei-Hui Hou) 、蔡文榮(Wen-Rong Tasy)
中文摘要 本研究係探討在臺的大陸交換生跨文化人際交往之社交圈孤立問題,以2019年春季以臺灣某大學的七名大陸交換生,四名臺生和兩位該校老師為主要研究對象,透過深度訪談、參與式觀察、文件分析,輔以37位交換生樣本調查問卷。本研究發現之社交圈孤立現象有四:一、臺陸互動頻率低,僅以學業互動為主;二、交往程度淺,難以達到交往親密程度;三、與臺生普遍互斥,形成無形的社交圈子隔絕;四、陸生之間傾向同溫層取暖,局限於陸生社交圈而難以撼動,因而出現心理疏離現象。本研究進一步發現造成該現象的原因以及提出針對性措施,期能有效緩解該問題。最後,本研究建議交換生應主動與臺生建立互動策略、積極加入校內社團、行前文化培訓、安排臺陸生同住。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to investigate interpersonal isolation of Mainland exchange students in Taiwan. This study mainly adopted seven exchange students, who exchanged in a comprehensive university in central Taiwan in the Spring of 2019, four Taiwan students and two professors in this university as research subjects. Through in-depth interviews, participant observation, document analysis and thirty-seven samples for questionnaire, various data were collected in two months so as to explore their social isolation. The results show that during the exchange period, most of the Mainland students do face the social isolation issue, which is embodied in the following aspects: 1. low interaction except academic communication, 2. shallow friendship, 3. mutual exclusion and separation from Taiwan students, and 4. tendency toward co-nations Chinese students to get easier interpersonal acceptance. Finally, this study provides several suggestions, in terms of taking the initiative to establish interactive strategies with domestic students, participating extra-curricula activity of social club, implementing cultural orientation prior to their arrival, and blending arrangement for cross-strait students in their dormitories.
頁次 001-030
關鍵詞 大陸交換生 人際交往 社交孤立 跨文化適應 mainland exchange students interpersonal relationship social isolation acculturation
卷期 54:2
日期 202010
刊名 教育研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學
DOI 10.3966/199044282020105402001