篇名 如何理解,如何行动,如何成为?——人工智能时代教师专业发展的反思
並列篇名 How to Understand, How to Act, How to Be?——Commenting and Reflecting on Teacher Professional Development in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
作者 冯晓英(FENG Xiaoying) 、徐辛(XU Xin) 、郭婉瑢(GUO Wanrong)
中文摘要 人工智能时代的教师专业发展,其核心内涵是在“如何理解”“如何行动”“如何成为”三方面为教师提供有效支持。本文从智能时代教师职能职责和能力素养重构的角度构建了理解框架,从智能时代教师角色定位和教学方式重构的角度构建了行动框架,从智能时代教师发展路径重构的角度构建了设计框架。文章最后提出,“如何理解”的关键是深刻理解智能技术赋能教师的“留白”与“创新”;“如何行动”的关键是教师要在立德树人、技术治理与结构性创新上发挥“人在回路”的作用;“如何成为”的关键是要以大系统观发展教师的大视野、大思维和统整性大能力。
英文摘要 Teacher professional development in the age of artificial intelligence (AI) is centered on providing effective support for "how to understand", "how to act", and "how to be" a teacher. This paper establishes an understanding framework of teachers' responsibilities and competence, an action framework of teachers' roles and teaching methods, and a design framework of teachers' development paths. This paper elaborates that the key to "how to understand" is to understand the relationship between the concepts of "saved personal space" by intelligent technology, and "innovation" teachers engage in. The key to "how to act" is to play the role of "human in the loop" in moral education, technology governance, and structural innovation, and the key to "how to be" is to establish the teacher’ s professional development in the age of artificial intelligence on a big system view to develop teachers' big vision, deep thinking, and holistic competence. The paper provides a theoretical reference for teacher’s professional development in the age of artificial intelligence.
頁次 031-041
關鍵詞 人工智能 教师专业发展 模式创新 生成式人工智能 大语言模型 artificial intelligence teacher professional development paradigm innovation generative artificial intelligence big language modelling CSSCI
卷期 30:2
日期 202404
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2024.02.004