

篇名 造就“学科名师”的教育硕士培养:实践探索与政策建议
並列篇名 Cultivation of Ed. M. to Bring up "Famous Subject Teachers": Practical Exploration and Policy Suggestions
作者 周彬(ZHOU Bin)
中文摘要 教育硕士项目不仅要提高中小学师资队伍的学历水平,更需要助力于中小学师资队伍层次的结构性提升。当前,教育硕士项目面临学历层次提升与生源质量提高不同步、教学能力与学科水平未共同提升、理论修读与实践能力以及情怀培育与学习动机激发难以同时兼顾等培养困境。基于此,本研究依托华东师范大学高水准教师教育平台,总结并反思旨在培养适应并引领中小学教育教学的“学科名师”的教育硕士项目,建立并探索“所学与所用即所考”的选拔标准、具备实践引领力的课程体系、应用导向的实践教学体系,并开展师德与情怀全程贯穿的养成教育系列活动。为了优化大规模培养“学科名师”的教育硕士项目,建议教育硕士项目可以建立面向所有优秀本科毕业生的从教路径,实施本科师范与教育硕士新两级教师教育体系的培养规格与课程标准,并通过建立本科师范专业、本硕一体化师范专业和教育硕士专业认证相容的新型师范专业认证体系。
英文摘要 The Master of Education (Ed. M.) program should not only improve the educational levels of primary and secondary school teachers, but also help to upgrade the level of the whole teaching staff. The Ed. M. program is faced with some training difficulties. For example, the improvement of academic qualifications and the improvement of students’ quality haven’ t been realized at the same time; the teaching ability and subject knowledge level haven’ t been improved at the same time; and the theoretical study and practical ability, as well as the cultivation of feelings and the stimulation of learning motivation haven’ t been balanced well. Relying on the high-level teacher education platform of East China Normal University, we established and explored selection criteria of what we have learned and what we have used, that is, what we have tested, the curriculum system with practice leading power, the application-oriented practical teaching system, and a series of education activities with teachers' morality and feelings cultivation during the whole process. It aims to cultivate “famous subject teachers” who adapt to and lead primary and secondary school education. In order to optimize the large-scale training of “to-be famous subject teachers” Ed. M., it is suggested to rely on the Ed. M. program to establish a teaching path for all excellent undergraduate graduates, establish the training specifications and curriculum standards of the new two-level teacher education system of undergraduate normal education and master of education, and establish the new compatible normal professional certification system of undergraduate normal major, undergraduate master integrated normal major and master of education major.
頁次 019-026
關鍵詞 教育硕士 学科名师 课程体系 实践教学 师资队伍 Ed. M. Famous Subject Teachers curriculum system practical teaching teaching force CSSCI
卷期 33:5
日期 202109
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心