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篇名 教友誼,也教性別平等:一個行動研究帶來的教學啟示
並列篇名 Teaching Friendship and Gender Equality: Implications from Action Research
作者 林瑋羚(Wei-Ling Lin) 、游美惠(Mei-Hui You)
中文摘要 本研究探討性別平等教育議題融入國中綜合活動領域之友誼主題教學的相關經驗及其帶來的啟示。透過在南臺灣某國中兩個八年級的班級進行教學活動,探討性別特質與友誼、異性友誼中的互動等主題,結果發現:友誼是國中生非常重視的人際關係,情感教育不能缺少此環節,然而,在交友的過程中,具有陰柔特質的男學生經常被排擠或汙名化,透過性別光譜主題教學活動,學生對於性別有新的理解,能破除性別刻板印象開展友誼。其次,對國中生而言,異性友誼之開展仍無法跳脫異性戀中心的思維,突破性別藩籬而自在交朋友似乎有其困難,藉由課程之探討、澄清,可讓學生思索友誼的價值,逐步突破交友的性別框架。本研究最後提出結論與建議:一、教學行動研究可以改善教學現場的問題,尤其是回應學生的日常生活經驗之相關議題(如破除性別二元對立的迷思、友誼與同儕互動關係等),值得多加發展;二、性別光譜的教學有其重要性,可啟發學生使其具有更開放的性別觀念;三、未來研究建議將友誼教學扣連至十二年國教課程綱要之素養導向教學實踐,讓學生具備性別知識又能具有尊重的態度與交友的技能;四、針對國中學生重視的友誼關係,建議加強教師之性別平等情感教育專業知能。研究者希望能促成更多性別平等教育議題融入領域教學的情感教育行動研究付諸實踐。
英文摘要 The article provides some discussion on the issues related to the development of a curriculum focusing on friendship and gender. The action research was conducted in two eighth-grade classes in a junior high school in southern Taiwan. The curriculum integrates issues such as gender binariness, gender expression and gender diversity. Data were collected from teaching materials, classroom observations, students’ feedback, and interviews with teachers and students, respectively. The findings of this research are as follows. First, male students with effeminate traits are relatively unpopular among their peers. Through exposure to the gender diversity curriculum, students gained a new understanding of gender expression. Second, boy/ girl friendships are still troublesome for junior high school students, and often characterized by confusion and difficulty in distinguishing between heterosexual romantic relationships and friendship. However, through the novel curriculum, students were able to adopt different perspectives on friendship, focusing less on gender-stereotyped binariness and more on values and the intrinsic benefits of friendship. Furthermore, in order to address students’ misunderstandings surrounding homosexuality, teachers must deal with issues related to homosexuality when teaching. In conclusion, the authors emphasize that the value of this action research lies in helping teachers solve the problems they face in this regard, and in helping students to debunk the gender binary myth to develop their peer relations. The results suggest a gender diversity curriculum is important and the concept of the gender spectrum is crucial for students to learn. Due to the implementation of 12-year National Basic Curriculum, the authors also suggest teaching about friendship can be associated with competence-based gender equity education. Last but not least, enhancing teacher professionalism in regard to gender equity education about friendship is required, since peer relations are critical concerns for junior high school students. This research can provide educators with insights into teaching about issues related to gender and friendship.
頁次 001-036
關鍵詞 友誼 行動研究 性別平等教育 綜合活動領域 friendship action research gender equity education integrative activities learning area
卷期 28
日期 202311
刊名 教育與多元文化研究
出版單位 國立東華大學花師教育學院
DOI 10.53106/207802222023110028001