

篇名 實踐見樹又見林的校本課程評鑑:讓課程評鑑成為行動學習
並列篇名 Zooming and Re-design the Curriculum Evaluation with Action Learning
作者 簡菲莉(Fei-Li Chien) 、曾怡潓(Yi-Hui Tseng) 、陳思伶(Si-Ling Chen)
中文摘要 2021年5月的COVID-19疫情衝擊,使全國各級學校教師立刻從實體教學轉為線上授課,所有學生停課不停學。教育現場所有政策性、例行性及專業性的議題在這一波巨變中,開始面對全新的挑戰與未來。本文關注《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》之校本課程評鑑,並以學校執行單一領域或跨領域課程之課程評鑑為範疇,首先探究在十二年國教課綱中對於校本課程評鑑的再定位,其次提出敏捷性原則的建議,作為倡議回歸本質的校本課程評鑑於再定位與再設計之間的指引,最後設計如何實踐以問題解決為導向的校本課程評鑑,使參與課程評鑑者在行動中獲得真實有感的學習。本文倡議回歸本質的校本課程評鑑,從單一領域或是彈性學習課程開始做起,以敏捷性原則及行動學習法,讓課程評鑑融入課程實踐的日常,真實促成學校成為學習型組織。期待透過校本課程評鑑的意義與運作機制的再定位與再設計,能支持教師帶著課程意識地進行課程與教學,從課程的核心價值出發,以課程意義驅動課程評鑑,當教師有自覺地將課程評鑑同步於課程實施,一方面可協助學生有效學習,另一方面則可以不斷地發掘課程與教學過程的問題與挑戰。
英文摘要 The article is addressed while the outbreak of COVID-19 which caused the teachers and the pupils of all educational institutions to stay home for online teaching and learning on May 2021. Therefore, it has forced the policy implementation, routine administration and professional development to re-considerate the coming challenges and the further arrangement. The article aims to the school-based curriculum evaluation of 12- year Basic Curriculum Guideline, furthermore it concentrates in the evaluation of single disciplinary. Firstly, it addresses the locality of the curriculum evaluation between two national guidelines. After, the article inquires the possibility of re-locate and re-design of school-based evaluation through the Agile practice with which develops a new guideline. Finally, it presents an agenda of evaluation designed for single disciplinary. The article purposes a school-based curriculum evaluation, which integrates Agile and Action Learning, relates to the nature of pedagogy, for it is embodied in curriculum development. Thus, we are looking forward to the re-designed and re-located curriculum evaluation would support teachers’ while they are developing curriculum and are doing instruction. As the curriculum evaluation and curriculum implementation are in sync, it not only aids learning effective of pupils, but also it benefits teachers whose professional development.
頁次 096-114
關鍵詞 行動學習 敏捷性原則 課程評鑑 action learning Agile curriculum evaluation
卷期 330
日期 202110
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602021100330007