

篇名 地方政府公开招聘教师中的规则摭论
並列篇名 Discussing the Rules of Local Government’s Opening Recruitment of Teachers
作者 李俊义(LI Jun-yi)
中文摘要 通过分析地方政府网站的教师招聘信息及访谈,笔者得出教师招聘规则影响招聘公平与效率。顺序规则在维持教师招聘过程次序的同时难以保证程序的科学性及时代性。岗位设置规则遵循师资供求规律,却难完全实现择优与公平。形式规则保证了信度,却难有高的效度与区分度。内容规则凸显教师素养考核合理化背后难掩内容失真现象。层次规则在客观分类标准与主观划分依据间互相掣肘,相关利益者对教师招聘细则的评价缺乏一致性。为保障教师招聘在公平基础上实现择优,可推行教师预岗制和阳光招聘制度,加快教师招聘模式研究,提升教师招聘考核内容及方式的科学化。
英文摘要 The Rules of opening recruiting teachers affect the fair and efficient through analysising the local government website of teachers recruitment information and interviews. Order rules can maintain the role of order in teacher recruitment process, but it is difficult to guarantee scientific and contemporary nature of the procedure. Job placement rules follow the law of supply and demand of teachers, but it is difficult to select the superior candidates and achieve fairness. The rules of form guarantee reliability, but it is difficult to ensure high validity and differentiation. Content rules highlight the rationalization of teacher literacy assessment, but it is difficult to cover up content distortion. Hierarchical rules restrict each other between objective classification criteria and subjective classification basis, relevant stakeholders lack of consistency in evaluating teacher recruitment rules. In order to ensure that teachers recruit on a fair basis to achieve the goal of meritocracy, local governments should introduce a pre-employment system for teachers and Sunshine recruitment system, fastly research on teacher recruitment model, improve the scientificness of content and methods.
頁次 060-066
關鍵詞 程序规则 岗位设置规则 形式规则 内容规则 层次规则 procedural rules job placement rules formal rules content rules hierarchy rules CSSCI
卷期 32:3
日期 202005
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心