

篇名 研究型大学教师的教学现状与困境分析
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Current Teaching Situation among Research University Faculties
作者 杜嫱(DU Qiang)
中文摘要 研究型大学肩负培养一流人才的使命,这一使命的贯彻需通过教学工作落实。本研究着重考察了研究型大学教师的教学现状,与非研究性大学教师相比:研究型大学的教师在教学目标设定上更侧重纯粹科学和高深知识的习得;他们较少采用传统规制教学,在互动建构教学、实践案例教学方面表现平平,且呈现出学科差异;研究型大学的教师在教学上投入更低,每周教学时间低于非研究型大学的教师4小时(15个百分点);在对教学困境进行归因时,研究型大学教师认为困境更多源于自身的教学能力不足而非学生的基础薄弱。基于以上结论,研究型大学在教学方面应当突出研究性质,关注研究型大学教师的教学能力培养,也要对生源质量进行把控,重塑教学学术。
英文摘要 In China, research universities shoulder the mission of cultivating first-class talents with innovative spirits. Based on the survey data from “National University Faculty Development”, this study examines the teaching behaviors and teaching obstacles of research university faculties, the following key conclusions are obtained: First of all, the faculties of research universities much more emphasis on the acquisition of pure science and advanced knowledge. Secondly, in research universities, faculties adopt interactive teaching behaviors more frequently, traditional teaching methods are less likely to be adopted. Moreover, the teaching methods vary according to different disciplinary requirement; Forth, the faculties of research universities spend less time on teaching. They believe the lacking of teaching competency makes teaching more difficult than poor student quality. However, when faculties feel incompetent in teaching they will devote more time to make up this deficiency, while when they feel the students, academic basis is bad they will devote less time.
頁次 081-089
關鍵詞 研究型大学 教学行为 教学投入 research university teaching behaviors teaching time CSSCI
卷期 32:3
日期 202005
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心