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篇名 从离身走向具身:卓越师范生道德养成新路径
並列篇名 From Disembodiment to Embodiment: New Approach to Cultivate Morality for Outstanding Student Teachers
作者 项建英(XIANG Jian-ying) 、孙炳海(SUN Bing-hai) 、钟晨音(ZHONG Chen-yin)
中文摘要 在具身认知理论影响下,具身成为道德教育的新视角,道德教育出现了身体主体性、情境性、现实生活性和动态生成性等新特点。然而,目前高师院校在卓越师范生培养过程中,却存在种种道德离身现象。本文针对离身现象,从具身认知的视角,探寻了一条卓越师范生道德养成的新路径:注重培养身体积极性的道德主体;设置引起身体共鸣的道德情境;展开身体“嵌入” 的系统道德实践活动;创建契合身体体验的生活性道德隐喻;构筑身体-环境-世界交互的动态开放道德环境。
英文摘要 Under the influence of embodied cognitive theory, embodiment has provided a new perspective for moral cultivation. As a result, moral education has developed new characteristics such as embodied subjective, situational, real living and generative. However, there are a lot of disembodied education during the process of moral formation in Normal University. Facing up to these disembodied phenomena, new approach to cultivate morality is explored for outstanding student teachers from the perspective of the cognitive theory. This new approach will put emphasis on moral subject with body enthusiasm; set up moral situation that resonates with the body; carry on the systematic moral practice of body “embedding”; create living moral metaphor that fits the body experiences; construct dynamic and open moral environment in the body-environment-world.
頁次 041-046
關鍵詞 具身认知 卓越师范生 道德养成 embodied cognition outstanding student teachers moral formation CSSCI
卷期 32:3
日期 202005
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心