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篇名 教学资源研发:我国高校教学研究中的教育技术范式
並列篇名 To Develop Teaching and Learning Resources : The Paradigm From Educational Technology In The Study of Teaching In Chinese Higher School
作者 周越(Zhou, Yue) 、王鹏(Wang, Peng) 、郭炯(Guo, Jiong) 、徐继红(Xu, Ji-hong)
中文摘要 该文关注我国高校教学研究中的范式问题,综述以往范式相关的研究,以我国高校精品课程相关工作的发展为依据,采用内容分析方法分析国家精品课程相关文献,发现教学资源研发已经成为我国高校教学研究中的一种新型范式、一种主要来自教育技术学科的研究范式,并进而探讨教学资源研发范式对高校教学研究与实践的价值和意义。
英文摘要 This paper focused on the paradigm in the studies of teaching in Chinese higher school, reviewed the research on paradigm in study of teaching, and through an content analysis approach on the documents from National Pilot Curriculum researching, then concluded that the teaching and learning resources developing has become a new research paradigm mainly from the educational technology discipline according to the progress of National Pilot Curriculum. It also discussed the value and meaning of the resource-developing paradigm to the research and practice in colleges and universities.
頁次 048-053
關鍵詞 教学资源研发 教育技术范式 教学研究 国家精品课程 develop teaching and learning resources paradigm from educational technology study of teaching national pilot curriculum CSSCI
卷期 23:12
日期 201312
刊名 現代教育技術
出版單位 中國清華大學/電教中心
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1009-8097.2013.12.009