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篇名 苦学、混日子或放弃:高考改革背景下县中农村高中生的日常学习
並列篇名 Swotting, Drifting or Quitting: The Learning Practices of Rural Students at County-Seat High Schools against the Backdrop of Gaokao Reform
作者 李晓亮(LI Xiaoliang)
中文摘要 近年来,以农村生源为主的县中升学状况不容乐观。许多研究将其归咎于超级中学抢夺县中的优质生源和优秀教师,鲜有研究留意到高考改革背景下农村高中生的日常学习行动。本文借助布迪厄的实践理论分析河南省一所县中农村学生在高考改革后“学”的常规实践:苦学、混日子或放弃。由于家庭文化资源匮乏、学校教学方式僵化,苦学成为农村学生竞逐升学机会的基本途径。然而,随着高考改革越来越强调活学活用,农村学生的苦学成为死读书,很难在高考中脱颖而出。在强烈感知到苦学效用有限时,他们诉诸混日子或弃考。本文指出,扭转县中升学困局有赖于调整农村学生付出学业努力的方式,而改变学校僵化的教学方式至关重要。
英文摘要 In recent years, the academic progression of county high schools primarily serving rural students has not been promising. Many studies attribute this situation to the phenomenon of "super schools" siphoning off top students and talented teachers from county schools. However, few have paid attention to the everyday learning activities of rural high school students within the context of the Gaokao reforms. Utilizing Bourdieu's theory of practice, this paper analyzes the conventional learning practices of rural students at a county high school in Henan Province: diligent studying, idling, or giving up. Due to a lack of cultural resources at home and rigid teaching methods at school, intense studying has become the default strategy for rural students striving for higher educational opportunities. Nevertheless, as the Gaokao reforms increasingly emphasize practical application of knowledge, the rural students' rote learning strategies have become ineffective, leaving them struggling to stand out in the competitive examination. When students acutely realize the limited benefits of their arduous studying, they may resort to idling away their time or giving up the pursuit altogether. This paper highlights that reversing the unfavorable progression circumstances of county high schools relies on altering the way rural students approach their studies, with a critical change in the rigid teaching methods of schools being imperative.
頁次 040-049
關鍵詞 县中塌陷 高考改革 农村学生 惯习 文化资本 collapse of county-seat high schools Gaokao reforms rural students habitus cultural capital CSSCI
卷期 22:1
日期 202402
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學