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篇名 中小學校長生態暨專業發展調查之研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Ecology and Professional Development for Primary and Secondary School Principals in Taiwan
作者 林信志(Hsin-Chih Lin) 、許凱威(Kai-Wei Hsu)
中文摘要 我國中小學校長培育與專業發展支持系統,呈現零散不連續性及各縣市各行其道的情況,亟需進行新一波調查以作為未來建構更整全及系統化的校長專業發展支持系統之基礎。據此,本研究目的為:一、探討中小學校長生態與專業發展現況;二、分析不同背景中小學校長的生態與專業發展差異。本研究以2018年「中小學校長生態暨專業發展網路問卷調查」共計1,795位校長之填答資料為分析基礎,並對照張鈿富等人(2008)之研究,以及TALIS 2013 Database的先進七國資料分析,獲致以下研究結論:一、我國高中校長參與正式培訓管道之比例偏低;二、我國中小學校長參與專業發展活動之普及率良好;三、我國中小學校長認為參與專業發展之最大障礙為「與工作時程衝突」,但不認為「費用昂貴」為障礙;四、我國中小學女性校長比例及碩博士比例明顯提升;五、我國中小學校長認為校園生態層面中「教師不願意參與學校行政工作」是唯一的負向轉變;六、我國中小學校長工作滿意度雖高,但仍明顯低於OECD先進各國。
英文摘要 The professional development supporting system of primary and secondary school principal in Taiwan presents fragmentary and discontinuous. It is necessary to enact a new investigation research for the solid basis of constructing a systematical supporting mechanism. The purposes of this study are to: (1) explore the current situation of the ecological and professional development of primary and secondary school principals. (2) explore the background difference among the ecological and professional development of primary and secondary school principals. The research conclusions are mainly based on the analysis of the data from 1795 principals in the 2018 Online questionnaire survey, and also partly based on the comparison with the research of Zhang et al. (2008), and the analysis of seven countries from TALIS 2013 database. The main findings of this study are: (1) The proportion of senior high school principals who have trained in the formal leadership programs is low. (2) The proportion of Taiwan school principals participating in professional development activities is higher than most advanced countries. (3) The biggest obstacle to professional development participation for Taiwan school principals is “conflict with work schedule”, but “expensive” is not considered as an obstacle. (4) The proportion of female and master’s and Ph.D. degree of Taiwan school principals has increased significantly. (5) The Taiwan school principals believe that the biggest negative change in the campus ecological level is “teachers are not willing to engage in school administration”. (6) Although the job satisfaction of Taiwan school principals is high, it is still significantly lower than that of OECD advanced countries.
頁次 056-074
關鍵詞 中小學校長 生態系統 專業發展 primary and secondary school principal ecological system professional development
卷期 317
日期 202009
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020090317004