

篇名 跨界学习如何促进特殊教育教师身份发展?——基于大学与特殊教育一线名师工作室合作项目的案例
並列篇名 Special Education Teachers’ Identity Development through Boundary-Crossing Learning — A Case Study of University-Master Teacher Studio Partnership
作者 汪甜甜(WANG Tian-tian) 、朱涵(ZHU Han) 、邓猛(DENG Meng) 、李玉影(LI Yu-ying)
中文摘要 立足“办好特殊教育”的时代背景,基于情境学习与实践共同体理论,采用质性研究取向的案例研究法,以大学与一线名师工作室的合作项目为研究田野,分析特殊教育教师在跨界学习中实现身份发展的路径与结果。研究发现,特教教师在跨界学习情境中实现四个维度的身份发展:教学方面从“有良心的灌输者”到“聪明的引导者”,教研方面从“保姆型教书匠”到“研究型特教教师”,合作方面从“孤独的战士”到“团队协作者”,变革方面从“学校代表”到“变革先锋”,这是特教教师在跨界学习中主动参与、协商意义和行动反思的结果。据此构建出跨界学习促进特教教师身份发展的机制模型,为本土化特教教师专业发展及教师学习模式提供借鉴与参考。
英文摘要 Based on qualitative case study approach and the cooperation situation between a normal university and a Master Teacher Studio, this paper analyzed the process of special education teachers ’ identity development under the theoretical framework of Situated Learning and Communities of Practice. Four distinctive aspects of identity development were revealed, namely their transformation from ‘conscientious knowledge provider’ to ‘smart guide’,from ‘nanny instructor’ to ‘special education teacher researcher’,from ‘lonely soldier’ to ‘team coordinator’,from 4 school representative’ to ‘change pioneer’. Their identity development is the result of active participation,meaning negotiation and action reflection in the context of boundary-crossing learning community. Accordingly, special education teachers’ identity development model through boundary-crossing learning was constructed. Several implications can be drawn to promote special education teachers’ development and facilitate teacher learning.
頁次 092-099
關鍵詞 跨界学习 特殊教育教师 身份发展 名师工作室 boundary-crossing learning special education teachers identity development Master Teacher Studio CSSCI
卷期 33:4
日期 202107
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心