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篇名 特教教師對就業轉銜服務現況瞭解及成效知覺差異之分析
並列篇名 A Study on Cognition and Effectiveness Perception of the Employment Transition Services for the Special Education Teachers
作者 邱志鴻(Chih-Hung Chiu) 、劉曉芬(Hsiao-Fen Liu)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討技術型高中特殊教育教師對就業轉銜服務現況的瞭解程度和成效知覺並比較其差異,首先透過問卷調查特教教師對於就業轉銜服務現況及成效之看法;再針對問卷調查結果,邀請學政、勞政和社政專家針對就業轉銜服務提出建議。本研究歸納以下結論:(一)教師對於就業轉銜服務現況瞭解以「職場實習」最高,「職能評估」最低,但各層面均已達中高程度。(二)高級中等學校、特教班級數0至3班、具正式教師身分、或特教教師兼行政主管的之教師對於就業轉銜服務現況瞭解較高。(三)教師對於就業轉銜服務成效知覺以「職場實習」層面最高,「職能評估」層面最低,但各層面均已達中高程度。(四)高級中等學校、中部區域、特教班級數0至3班、或具學士學位之教師對於就業轉銜服務成效知覺較高。(五)教師對於就業轉銜服務各層面的現況及成效知覺皆有差距。最後,根據上述研究結論提出具體建議,期望能作為相關單位和研究人員對於就業轉銜服務與後續研究之參考。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study was to examine the cognition and the effectiveness perception of the employment transition services for special education teachers in vocational senior high schools in Taiwan. Firstly, the questionnaire was used to determine the opinions of special education teachers on the cognition and effectiveness perception of the employment transition services. Then, based on the results of the questionnaire survey, experts on education, labor and social affairs were asked to provide their ideas on the differences between the way people perceive the success of work transition services based on cognition and perception. The conclusions were: (1) The cognition of the employment transition services for teachers was the highest in " workplace internship " and the lowest in "vocational skills assessment", and all aspects presented middle to high levels. (2) In senior secondary schools, 0-3 classes of special education classes, and teachers with administrative duties had higher cognition of the employment transition services. (3) The effectiveness perception of the employment transition services for teachers was the highest in "workplace internship" and the lowest in "vocational skills assessment", and all aspects presented middle to high levels. (4) Senior high school teachers in central region of Taiwan, 0-3 classes of special education classes, and bachelor's degrees had a higher perception of the effectiveness of the employment transition services. (5) There was a gap between teachers' cognition and effectiveness perception on all aspects of the employment transition services. Finally, based on the above conclusions, specific recommendations were made as a reference for the employment transition services and follow-up studies by relevant units and researchers.
頁次 037-050
關鍵詞 特教教師 就業轉銜服務 現況瞭解 成效知覺 special education teachers the employment transition services cognition perception effectiveness perception
卷期 165
日期 202212
刊名 特殊教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.202212_(165).37-50