

篇名 非认知能力发展与学生表现的性别差异
並列篇名 Non-cognitive Development and Gender Gap in Student Performance
作者 许鑫凤(XU Xinfeng) 、王骏(WANG Jun) 、王洛忠(WANG Luozhong)
中文摘要 学生性别差异是教育经济学研究的重要话题,学生表现的性别差异与不同性别学生的非认知能力有关。本研究基于对北京市城市功能拓展区3个区县40所学校小学四年级学生的调查数据,采用增值模型、普通最小二乘估计、分位数回归探究学生表现的性别差异及其与学生非认知能力发展之间的关系。研究发现,非认知能力特别是自我控制能力显著影响学生表现,并在一定程度解释了学生表现的性别差异。其中,学生学业成绩的性别差异主要由思维控制解释,日常行为的性别差异主要由行为控制解释。此外,后进生表现的性别差异远大于全体学生。本研究建议教育工作者要理性对待学生表现的性别差异,给予男生更多成长空间,帮助他们形成良好的行为习惯,提高自律能力,特别关注后进男生非认知能力的培养和塑造。
英文摘要 Students’ gender gap is an important topic in education economics research, and the gap in student performance is related to students’ non-cognitive abilities of different genders. Based on survey data of the fourth-grade primary school students from 40 schools in 3 districts in Beijing Functional Development District, this study used a value-added model, ordinary least square estimation,and quantile regression to explore the gender gap in student performance and its relationship with the development of students’ non-cognitive abilities. The results show that non-cognitive ability, especially self-control, can significantly affect students’ performance and, to a certain extent, explain the gender gap in student performance. The gender gap in students’ academic performance is mainly explained by mental control, and the gender gap in daily behavior is mainly explained by behavioral control. In addition, the gender gap in backward students was found to be much larger than that of all students.Therefore, this study suggests that educators should treat the gender gap in student performance rationally, give boys more room for growth, help boys develop good behavior habits and improve their self-discipline, and pay special attention to nurturing and shaping non-cognitive abilities of backward boys.
頁次 111-120
關鍵詞 学生表现 性别差异 非认知能力 student performance gender gap non-cognitive ability CSSCI
卷期 28:3
日期 202206
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2022.03.012