

篇名 以校長真誠領導營造學生學習支持環境
並列篇名 Using Authentic Leadership to Build a Learning Support Environment for Students
作者 馮丰儀(Feng-I Feng)
中文摘要 凝聚學校利害關係人集體之力以提供支持學生真正學習的環境,是學校領導者的道德使命。本文採個案研究法,蒐集學校教師觀點,探討一所完全中學校長運用真誠領導以營造學生學習支持環境的過程。研究結果顯示,校長有明確的教育目的與核心價值,反映在其領導作為,並能對做對的事有所堅持,展現高度道德自律與正向心理資本,傾向將訊息透明,做出公正決策,關懷教師並與學校利害關係人建立真誠人際關係,獲學校教師認同,也形塑了促進學生真正學習此一共同目標的團體前進動力。
英文摘要 To gel the collective efforts of stakeholders to provide the support authentic learning environment for students is the moral imperative of school leaders. This paper focused on the process that a six-year high school principal used authentic leadership to build a school as a learning support environment for students. A case study was chosen to collect the school teachers’ views of how authentic leadership was conducted. The research findings have shown that the principal had clear educational purposes and values, and were reflected in his leadership act. He adhered to do the right things, and showed higher moral discipline and positive psychological capital. Moreover, he inclined to make information transparency and disclosure, and made fair decisions. In addition, he cared school teachers and built authentic interpersonal relationships with school stakeholders. His authentic leadership gained school teachers’ recognition, and built the group motivation to facilitate student authentic learning.
頁次 080-096
關鍵詞 真誠領導 學校真誠領導 學校領導與學生學習 authentic leadership school authentic leadership school leadership and student learning
卷期 308
日期 201912
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019120308006