

篇名 後疫情時代組織信任對學校教育之啟示
並列篇名 The Enlightenment of Organizational Trust to School Education in the Post-Pandemic Era
作者 黃子舜(Tzu-Shun Hunag)
中文摘要 組織信任對於組織發展是重要影響因素之一,2021年臺灣各行各業深受COVID-19疫情影響,教育單位均將傳統實體授課方式改為線上教學,面對教學模式如此重大轉變,學生、教師、家長、行政職員對彼此之間的互信關係莫不感到憂慮與煩心。如何在防疫前提下進行遠距教學,強化組織信任,藉以確保學生學習力,是後疫情時代眾人所關心之事。基此,本研究運用隨機取樣方式來進行三次焦點團體座談,訪談6位不同學校規模的教師,女性、男性各3位。其中擔任兼任行政工作有2位,4位是級任與科任教師,最後運用三角檢測法(triangulation)來確保研究的品質與效度。受訪教師一致認為後疫情時代對於授課方式、上班機制、評量模式、弱勢照顧與教材資源將在「組織信任」產生一定程度的衝擊。最後,依據研究結果建議給予培養學生自主學習、優化教師教學樣態、強化親子共學時間、行政支持教學現場等四個策略,以利學校機關參酌。
英文摘要 Organizational trust is one of the important influencing factors for organizational development. In 2021, all industries in Taiwan are deeply affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Education units will change the traditional physical teaching method to online teaching. Faced with such a major change in teaching mode, students, Teachers, parents, and administrative staff are all worried and annoyed about the mutual trust relationship between each other. How to conduct remote teaching under the premise of epidemic prevention and strengthen organizational trust to ensure the learning ability of students is a matter of concern to everyone in the post-pandemic era. Based on this, this study used random sampling to conduct three focus group discussions, interviewing 6 teachers of different school sizes, 3 women and 3 men each. Among them, there are 2 part-time administrative jobs, 4 of them are grade and subject teachers, and finally use the triangulation method to ensure the quality and validity of the research. The teachers interviewed agreed that the post-pandemic era will have a certain degree of impact on the “organizational trust” on the teaching methods, work mechanism, evaluation mode, vulnerable care and teaching materials resources. Finally, based on the research results, it is suggested that four strategies should be given to cultivate students’ autonomous learning, optimize teachers’ teaching style, strengthen parent-child learning time, and administrative support for the teaching site, so as to facilitate school authorities to consider.
頁次 249-263
關鍵詞 COVID-19 後疫情時代 組織信任 post-pandemic era organizational trust
卷期 135
日期 202109
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202109_(135).0013