

篇名 国际视域中的核心价值观进课程——基于经济合作与发展组织报告的分析
並列篇名 Core Values into Curriculum from an International Perspective - Based on the Analysis of OECD Report
作者 臧玲玲(ZANG Lingling)
中文摘要 2021年,经济合作与发展组织发布《在课程中嵌入价值观和态度:塑造更美好的未来》,对世界主要国家和地区的核心价值观进课程进行了国际比较。不同国际组织、国家和地区在核心价值观的确立上出现了趋同化现象,人的尊严、尊重、责任、文化多样性、平等、宽容等成为共同核心价值观。从各国课程数据来看,国家语言和人文学科是体现核心价值观最多的学科,数学学科体现出的核心价值观最少。在具体措施上,采取“一致性”策略使不同群体在核心价值观上达成共识,注重隐形课程对学生核心价值观的培育、发挥不同主体在价值观教育上的协同与积极影响是各国的普遍做法。世界范围的核心价值观进课程仍然面临着不同社会利益团体的多重博弈、缺少足够研究支持等挑战。
英文摘要 The OECD released "Embedding Values and Attitudes in Curriculum:Shaping a Better Future" in 2021, which provided an international comparison of core values in curricula in major countries and regions of the world. Major countries and international organizations are converging in the establishment of core values, with human dignity, respect, responsibility, cultural diversity, equality and tolerance as common core values. From the curriculum data, national language and humanities are the subjects that reflect the core values most, while mathematics reflects the core values least. It is a common practice of all countries to adopt the consistency strategy to enable different groups to reach consensus on core values, pay attention to the invisible course to cultivate the core values and exert the synergy and positive influence of different groups. Core values into curriculum still faces challenges such as multiple games of different social interest groups and lack of research support.
頁次 003-011
關鍵詞 经济合作与发展组织 核心价值观 课程 OECD core values curriculum CSSCI
卷期 44:7
日期 202207
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所
DOI 10.20013/j.cnki.ICE. 2022.07.01