

篇名 探討臺灣特殊教育課程綱要之變革
並列篇名 Discussion and Reflection on the Reform of Taiwan’s Special Education Curriculum Guidelines
作者 劉貞利(Chen-Li Liu)
中文摘要 臺灣特殊教育課程綱要歷經三次主要的變革,然而特教老師若不理解變革的核心理念,便難以認同或調適教學心態,故本文旨在分析並比較臺灣特殊教育課程綱要變革三階段之修訂內涵,幫助教育現場的特教老師更理解課程改革的核心理念並能有所依歸,讓特殊需求學生能獲得最適性的教育。本文採文本分析法,對象以教育部頒佈之特殊教育課程綱要為主要文本。研究結果發現:(一)從生活經驗、本土化到國際觀的融合式課程規劃;(二)課程精進從能力導向升級為素養導向並重視學生學習的主體性;(三)服務對象去障礙標籤並擴大特殊需求學生之教育支持與資源;(四)教育服務趨向特教普教化與普教特教化。
英文摘要 The reform of Taiwan’s special education curriculum guidelines has undergone three major changes. However, if special education teachers do not understand the core concepts of the reform, it will be difficult to agree with or adjust their teaching mentality. This article aims to analyze and compare the revised content of the three stages of Taiwan’s special education curriculum reform, and help special education teachers at the education site understand the core concepts of curriculum reform and be able to follow, so that students with special needs can get the most suitable education. This article adopts the text analysis method, and the main text is the special education curriculum guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education. The research findings are: 1.Integrated curriculum planning from life experience, localization to international perspective; 2.Curriculum improvement is upgraded from ability-oriented to literacy-oriented and emphasizes the subjectivity of student learning; 3. Service targets remove obstaclelabels and expand educational support and resources for students with special needs; 4. Educational service tends to the generalization of special education and the specialization of general education.
頁次 234-248
關鍵詞 特殊教育課程 特殊教育課程綱要 課程改革 special education curriculum special education curriculum guidelines curriculum reform
卷期 135
日期 202109
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202109_(135).0012