

篇名 國家語言發展法之評析與思辨
並列篇名 Analysis, and Critical Thinking of Development of National Languages Act
作者 蔡淑華(Shu-Hua Tsai)
中文摘要 立法院於2018年12月25日三讀通過行政院所提之《國家語言發展法》,這是臺灣歷史性的一刻,對臺灣各固有族群因過去歷史影響了各族群語言的自然發展而言,算是遲來的正義。唯《國家語言發展法》立法通過以來,各方爭論不斷,尤其對十二年國教課綱的衝擊最大。本文先以描述性的探索方式,就《國家語言發展法》之法案重點整理說明;其次,參考《國家語言發展法》發布之後造成之社會爭議,採框架理論為基礎,以批判思考方式擬定四大議題進行評析與思辨:(一)《國家語言發展法》的立法通過,對弱勢族群而言是遲來的正義;(二)《國家語言發展法》掀起「母語」和「本土語」的論戰;(三)《國家語言發展法》衝擊十二年國教的課程綱要;(四)《國家語言發展法》與「雙語國家政策」相互矛盾與扭曲。最後,提出個人之建議供參。
英文摘要 The Development of National Languages Act read the third time and passed in December 25th 2018, which was a historical moment in Taiwan and presented late justice for each original ethnic group whose language had been developed with limitation due to historical factors. However, since the legalization of the Development of National Languages Act, dispute has come up. The curriculum guidelines of 12-year Basic Education were impacted the most. This article used descriptive exploration method, organizing and explaining the content of Development of National Languages Act, then evaluating and analyzing the four major topics dispute over the act. Based on critical thinking by the Framing theory: (1) The legalization of the Development of National Languages Act is late justice of marginalized ethnic groups. (2) The Development of National Languages Act starts a controversy between “mother language” and “local language”. (3) The Development of National Languages Act strongly impacts the curriculum guidelines of 12-year Basic Education. (4) The Development of National Languages Act is contradicting national bilingual policies. According to the results, this article provides suggestions.
頁次 213-233
關鍵詞 國家語言發展法 固有族群 本土語 母語 十二年國教 雙語教育 框架理論 批判思考 Development of National Languages Act Original ethnic group Local language mother language 12-year Basic Education Bilingual Education Framing theory Critical thinking
卷期 135
日期 202109
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202109_(135).0011