

篇名 十二年國民教育政策下跨領域領導之思維與作法探析
並列篇名 A Study on the Cross-field Leadership Thinking and Practice under 12-Years Basic Education Policy
作者 李安明(An-Min Li)
中文摘要 臺灣已正式實施十二年國民教育政策的新課綱,新課綱強調跨領域課程的設計、教學與學習,期望能透過學生的自主學習態度的養成,使其能終身學習。由於此次的變革聚焦於課程、教學與學習的深度變革,學校領導者面臨極大的挑戰,其角色已從行政領導大幅度轉化為學校課程與教學變革的帶領者與促進者,不僅要進行公開授課,更要領導教師教學,扮演課程與教學的帶頭示範者。前述的課程與教學變革推動均為高度專業化的作為,意味者校長們需走入教師社群,參與跨領域共備社群,實際帶領教師社群進行協力團隊的跨領域課程與教學設計、學習活動的推展與成效的評估。然而,檢視當今的領導文獻,除了少數研究者提出跨界領導的探討外,甚少研究針對新課綱的跨領域領導進行探討並提出實務作法。針對前述問題,本文先從跨領域課程與教學的面向切入,說明跨領域的多種形式與差異,並釐清跨領域的目的為提供協作與融合的過程。其次,透過跨界領導相關文獻的論述提出行為構面,並透過與設計思考模式及領導跨界行動相關作法的比較,嘗試修正與擴充其行為構面,並透過組織再造的價值、人力、流程及制度等四大面向,分別提出學校領導者在實施領域領導應有思維與實務作法,並據以提出本文的建議,做為未來實施跨領域課程與教學領導的重要參考依據。
英文摘要 In accordance with the implementation of New Curriculum Guideline of 12-Years Basic Education Policy which focusing cross-field curriculum integration design, teaching and learning, school leaders are facing challenges relating to role-shifting from traditional administrative leadership to curriculum leaders and teaching and learning experts as well. However, A brief literature review on cross-field leadership inidicates that there is only few papers and researchs exploring the concept and actural practices of cross-field leadership. Facing these problems, this paper started with a brief analysis on core concept of key competency, curriculum structure and cross-field integration model of 12-Years Basic Education Curriculum Guidline. For the purpose of yielding some practical suggestions for school leaders to effectively implement cross-field curriculum, teaching and learning, this paper analyzed the core concept and dimensions of cross-border leadership and further compared this concept with thinking design model and cross-silo leadership. Finally, this paper proposes four core dimensions of cross-field leadership for school leaders, concerning actural behaviors of value/thinking pattern innovation, human resource rearrangement, procedure redesign, and structure reengineering.
頁次 063-079
關鍵詞 十二年國民教育政策 跨領域課程統整形式 跨領域領導 12-Years Basic Education Policy curriculum integration models cross-field leadership
卷期 308
日期 201912
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019120308005