篇名 学校价值观调查中的社会称许性反应:表现、成因与控制
並列篇名 Social Desirability Response in School Values Surveys: Causes, Manifestations, and Control
作者 盛小敏(Sheng Xiaomin) 、石中英(Shi Zhongying)
中文摘要 学校价值观调查中的社会称许性反应是一个长期困扰学校价值观调查和学校价值观教育的基本问题。该问题产生的主要原因是学生对社会价值和文化规范的认识和认知,使其在表面上以一种符合社会期望的方式自我呈现,但实际行为与内在认知并不一致。就其表现形式而言,社会称许性反应与符合社会规范的价值观呈正相关,但其中的相关关系仍需进一步研究以确认学生是出于真实的价值偏好还是出于对规范的依从。此外,当涉及争议性、冲突性的伦理道德问题时,学生往往因维护自尊和面子而倾向于做出符合规范的回应,这将严重影响研究信效度。为了有效控制学校价值观调查中的社会称许性反应,可以借鉴现代化的量表编制和统计测量技术,开发体现中国本土文化特色的测量工具。
英文摘要 The social desirability response in school values surveys is a fundamental issue that has long troubled both the surveys themselves and values education in schools. The generation of this social desirability response is primarily due to students’ understanding and cognition of social values and cultural norms, which lead them to present themselves in a way that conforms to societal expectations on the surface, but their actual behavior is inconsistent with their internal identity. In terms of its manifestation, the social desirability response is positively correlated with values that conform to societal norms, but further research is needed to confirm whether students’ responses are based on genuine values preferences or simply compliance with norms. Furthermore, when it comes to controversial and conflicting ethical and moral issues, students tend to make responses that align with norms in order to maintain their self-esteem and reputation, which seriously affects the validity and reliability of research. In order to effectively control social desirability response in school values surveys, we can draw on modern scale development and statistical measurement techniques, and develop measurement tools that reflect the unique cultural characteristics of China.
頁次 051-060
關鍵詞 价值观教育 价值观调查 社会称许性 社会称许性量表 values education values survey social desirability social desirability scale CSSCI
卷期 42:6
日期 202406
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.005