

篇名 2030年臺灣學校建築與校園規劃展望
並列篇名 Prospects for Taiwan’s School Building and Campus Planning in 2030
作者 湯志民(Chih-Min Tang)
中文摘要 學校是教育的空間,學校建築是支持與實踐教育的場域,學校建築與校園規劃應與時俱進,反映時代的教育需求。展望2030年的教育,主要透過反思、期望和行動來運用知識、技能、態度和價值觀,以培養學生具有改造社會和塑造未來的能力。臺灣的學校建築歷經60年的蛻變,因應未來教育需求與學校建築未來趨勢,展望2030年臺灣學校建築與校園規劃,有七大努力方向:一、運用學校建築新基準革新空間。二、規劃具教育生命力的學校建築。三、系統整合與發展校園智慧科技。四、融合綠建築發展綠色永續校園。五、有效發展複合化營運社區學校。六、積極轉型發展新世代學習空間。七、後疫情時代空間規劃的新思考。期待大家的努力,讓臺灣的教育會更好!
英文摘要 A school is a space for education, and a school building is a field for supporting education. School buildings and campus planning should keep pace with the times and reflect the educational needs of the era. Looking forward to education in 2030, we mainly use knowledge, skills, attitudes and values through reflection, anticipation and action to cultivate students’ competencies to transform our society and shape our future. Taiwan’s school buildings have undergone 60 years of transformation. In response to future educational needs and the future trend of school buildings, looking forward to Taiwan’s school buildings and campus planning in 2030, there are 7 major directions for efforts: 1. Use new school building standards to innovate space. 2. Plan school buildings with educational vitality. 3. Systemly integrate and develop campus smart technology. 4. Integrate green buildings to develop a green and sustainable campus. 5. Effectively develop complex operating community schools. 6. Actively transform and develop new generation learning spaces. 7. New thinking on spatial planning in the post-pandemic era. With the joint efforts of everyone, Taiwan’s education will be better!
頁次 073-089
關鍵詞 2030年展望 未來趨勢 校園規劃 學校建築 prospects 2030 future trends campus planning school buildings
卷期 333
日期 202201
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022010333005