

篇名 接觸偏差同儕對偏差行為影響的心理歷程之潛在群體差異分析
並列篇名 The Latent Group Difference Analysis for Psychological Effects of Attach to Deviant Peers on Deviant Behaviors
作者 吳中勤(Chung-Chin Wu)
中文摘要 接觸偏差同儕是影響個人偏差行為的情境脈絡因素,接觸偏差同儕也可能透過改變認知、情緒與動機等內在心理歷程來間接影響偏差行為。偏差行為實徵研究所採用的統計方法(如廻歸分析),多將情境脈絡因素與個人內在心理歷程切割為變項來探討對偏差行為的影響,並視青少年在偏差行為表現上是一個同質性的群體,未能同時考量致使偏差行為出現的個人內因素以及偏差行為表現的群體異質性。本研究以5,079位八年級青少年為對象,透過混合模式(如結構方程混合模式)克服過去研究的限制,分別估計不同潛在群體內在心理歷程,釐清接觸偏差同儕對偏差行為影響的心理歷程之潛在群體差異。研究發現:一、青少年可區分為偏差與一般青少年兩個潛在群體;二、對兩個潛在群體而言,接觸偏差同儕皆會對偏差行為產生正向的直接影響,但接觸偏差同儕對偏差青少年偏差行為的影響明顯大於一般青少年;三、接觸偏差同儕可能透過改變內在心理歷程間接影響偏差行為,但內在心理歷程的運作存在著潛在群體間的差異。不在乎行為後果對同儕關係的負向影響,加上可能因父母而產生的壓力和逃避負向生活事件的動機,是導致偏差青少年相較於一般青少年更易於從事偏差行為背後最主要的心理機制。
英文摘要 Attach to deviant peers is contextual factor influencing individuals’ deviant behaviors, and attach to deviant peers may indirectly influence deviant behaviors through changing the psychological process encompassing cognition, emotion, and motivation. Empirical studies adopted statistical methods (i.e. regression analysis) to investigate the effects on deviant behaviors by cutting contextual factor and psychological processes into fragments, and to view adolescents as a homogeneous group regarding deviant behaviors. They were unable to simultaneously consider inner factor resulting deviant behaviors and heterogeneity of deviant behaviors. There were 5,079 eighth grader participated in this study. The mixture analyses (i.e. structural equation mixture model analysis) were introduced to overcome the limitations of former studies, and to estimate the inner psychological processes for different latent groups separately. The main purposes of this study were to investigate differential effects of attach to deviant peers on deviant behaviors and psychological process behind these effects for different latent groups. Results showed: (1) Adolescents could be divided into deviant and common adolescent groups. (2) For both latent groups, attach to peers exerted direct effects on deviant behaviors. However, the effect of attach to deviant peers on deviant behaviors for deviant group was greater than that for common group. (3) Attach to deviant peers could exert indirect influence by changing psychological processes, but there were differences between groups. Ignoring the negative effects of the behaviors to the relationship with peers, stress resulting from their parents, and avoiding negative life events were the main psychological mechanism to cause that deviant adolescents were more likely to engage in deviant behaviors than normal adolescents.
頁次 095-128
關鍵詞 中介分析 偏差行為 接觸偏差同儕 混合模式 異質性分析 mediation analysis deviant behavior attach to deviant peer mixture model heterogeneity analysis TSSCI
卷期 45:1
日期 202203
刊名 教育與心理研究
出版單位 國立政治大學教育學院
DOI 10.53106/102498852022034501004