

篇名 优秀人才在县域普通高中何以能“招得进、教得好、留得住”——以国家公费师范生教师为例
並列篇名 How Can Outstanding Talents be “Recruited, Taught and Retained” in the County High School: Take the Example of State-funded Student Teachers
作者 熊万曦(XIONG Wan-xi) 、高文心(GAO Wen-xin) 、陈志文(CHEN Zhi-wen)
中文摘要 《“十四五”县域普通高中发展提升行动计划》提出吸引优秀人才在县中长期任教,而国家公费师范生教师是县中十分渴求的师资力量。本研究采用质性研究方法,通过对西部G省的24位国家公费师范生教师、9位县中校长和中层干部、5位教育局人事科干部的访谈,发现人才引进政策的激励和情感牵引是国家公费师范生教师“招得进”的主要原因,系统培养和学校支持是“教得好”的关键要素,职业幸福、发展空间与福利待遇是“留得住”的重要保障。虽然与城市中学存在一定差距,但只要县中和县级政府拿出更多的诚意,落实人才引进政策、优化职后培养体系、打破职称晋升的壁垒,并充分发挥国家公费师范生教师的优势,便有望真正实现优秀人才的“招得进,教得好,留得住”。
英文摘要 The 14th Five-Year Plan of Action for the Development and Improvement of County General High Schools proposes to attract talented people to teach in county high schools for a long time and state-funded student teachers are a highly sought-after faculties in the county. This study uses qualitative research methods to interview 24 state-funded student teachers, 9 principals of county high schools and 5 Education Bureau personnel section cadres in western Province G. It is found that the incentive of talent introduction policy and emotional traction are the main reasons for being recruited, while systematic training and school support are the key elements for being taught well and the career happiness, professional development and welfare treatment is the important guarantee for retaining. Compared to cities, counties do have shortcomings. However, as long as the county high school and county government come up with more sincerity by implementing of talent introduction policy, optimizing the post-vocational training system, breaking the barriers to title promotion, and giving full play to the advantages of the state-financed student teachers, it is expected to truly achieve the excellent talent “recruited taught and retained.”
頁次 061-068
關鍵詞 县域普通高中 公费师范生 新教师引进 教师专业发展 county high school state-funded students new teacher recruitment teacher professional development CSSCI
卷期 34:2
日期 202203
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心