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篇名 AI時代體育教師科技領導的趨勢與實踐路徑
並列篇名 The Trend and Practice Path of Physical Education Teachers’ Technology Leadership in the AI Era
作者 林志成(Chih-Cheng Lin) 、莎麗娃(Li-Wa Sha)
中文摘要 在人工智能時代的教育現場,人與科技的關係更趨密切,特別是以動作學習為主軸的體育課,科技、領導和教學的跨領域運用更為交融。本文運用文獻評述,探究AI時代體育教師科技領導的趨勢,為體育教師科技領導實踐提供路徑指引,補足體育教師科技領導研究闕如之缺憾,提供探索教師科技素養和提高科技領導力的新研究視角。本文首先對體育教師科技領導從政策性、時代性、需求性和可行性進行趨勢詮釋,其次闡述體育教師科技領導的實踐路徑建構需要變革動力,最後歸納出五項實踐策略:制定數位科技教學設計與策略、熟練且善於使用數位教學技術、發展「因需施教」的科技化課程、整合不同學科知識的科技應用、依托科技的標準本位素養評量。
英文摘要 The arrival of the artificial intelligence era has led to an increasingly close relationship between people and technology in educational settings, especially in physical education classes that focus on action learning. The cross-curricular of technology, leadership and teaching has emerged. This article uses literature review and other methods to explore the trend of sports teacher technology leadership in the AI era, providing path guidance for sports teacher technology leadership practice, supplementing the research shortcomings of technology leadership for teaching, and exploring new research perspectives on teacher technology literacy and improving leadership ability. Firstly, make a trend interpretation of the technological leadership of physical education teachers from the perspectives of policy, modernity, demand, and feasibility. Secondly, it is elaborated that the construction of the practical path of technology leadership for physical education teachers requires a driving force for change. At the same time, the practical strategies are summarized as: developing digital technology teaching designs and strategies, proficiently and skillfully using digital teaching techniques, developing “on-demand teaching” technology-based courses, integrating technology applications of different subject knowledge, and relying on technology for standard based literacy assessment.
頁次 035-051
關鍵詞 AI時代 教育科技工具 體育教師科技領導 AI era educational technology tools physical education teacher technology leadership
卷期 363
日期 202407
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024070363003