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篇名 從教育系統中英語教學的侷限性反思其可能性
並列篇名 Reflections on the Possibilities from the Limitations of English Teaching in Education System
作者 陳美子(Mei-Zi Chen)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討教育系統中英語教學的侷限性,並從中反思其改善的可能性。本研究對象為彰化縣一所國中二年A班學生共28名,研究期間共6週,每週3節課,共18節,進行教學研究。本研究以實徵研究為主,觀察部份包含課堂錄影及教學省思撰寫;文件資料包含學生平時作業及學習檔案;訪談部分採半結構訪談,訪談對象為研究參與學生,同時為驗證研究信效度,也進行教育統計將研究結果予以量化分析。本研究結論如下:一、教學背景情境的觀察與分析促使英語教學研究之研究問題更聚焦。二、在運用資源達成課程目標的歷程中發現英語教學研究面臨的問題。三、從評鑑英語教學歷程中確認課程目標之成效及可修正的方向。最後,本研究依據研究結論提出對學校、教學及評量難易度設計、學生學習、課程規劃及未來研究之相關建議。
英文摘要 This research aims to explore the limitations of English teaching in education system and to reflect possibilities from the limitations. The subjects were twenty-eight students in grade eighth in a junior high school in Changhua County. This study was an empirical study and lasted for six weeks, three hours per week, including eighteen teaching hours. The observation part includes classroom recording and composition of teaching reflections. The document part includes the school assignment and the learning portfolio of the students. The interview part mainly focuses on the research participants in a semi-structured interview. Moreover, to verify the reliability and the validity of the research, the educational statistics are conducted to analyze the results of the research. The research findings and conclusions are as follows. 1. The scenario analysis helps to identify the problems and to target at the research goals. 2. Through the progress of the teaching research, the problems of English teaching research are found. 3. By means of the evaluation of the English teaching research, the effects on curriculum objectives and modifiable directions for research are confirmed. Finally, the research proposes relevant suggestions on schools, teaching and the design of the exam difficulty, student leaning models, curriculum planning and future research.
頁次 172-202
關鍵詞 教育系統 教育侷限性 教育可能性 education system education limitation education possibilities
卷期 150
日期 202403
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202403_(150).0007