

篇名 新北市資優假日方案課程設計及實施經驗分享
並列篇名 Gifted Holiday Program in New Taipei City: Shared Experiences in Curriculum-Design and Implementation
作者 何黛英(Tai-Ying Ho)
中文摘要 資優生具有優異的潛能,需要適合其學習方式及速度的教材教法,本文分享的是新北市資優假日方案的一個課程設計,以國中階段科學學術性向優異的資優生為教學對象,延伸校內學科學習內容,藉由漸進式的活動設計引導學生建立及應用科學概念,融入推理、溝通、傳達、問題解決、進行實驗、解釋資料等科學過程技能的學習,供有興趣的教育人員參考。內文說明教學示例的取材來源及轉為課程時的設計要點,接著簡介課程中各教學活動內容,並說明不同年度課程實施問題與後續的修改情況。
英文摘要 Gifted students with excellent potentials need teaching materials fitting their learning style and pace. This article introduces the curriculum design of the New Taipei City’s Excellent Holiday Program for junior high school students gifted in the field of science. Extended from subject learning in schools, the curriculum guides students to establish and to apply scientific concepts through progressive learning activities, and it incorporates scientific process skills for further learning, such as reasoning, communication, presentation, problem solving, experimentation, data interpretation, and so on. The article includes the initial source of the instructional materials, the key elements in designing the curriculum based on the source, and the content of each unit’s teaching activities. The implementation of different annual courses and subsequent changes are also illustrated for the reference of educators.
頁次 013-020
關鍵詞 課程設計 教學活動 資優生 curriculum design teaching activities gifted students
卷期 149
日期 201904
刊名 資優教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.201904_(149).13-20