

篇名 优秀少数民族教师的特征探究
並列篇名 Exploring Excellent Minority Teachers’ Characteristics
作者 达万吉(DA Wan-ji) 、桑国元(SANG Guo-yuan)
中文摘要 本研究采用由案例构建理论的研究策略,基于民族地区若干少数民族教师案例的质性数据,对优秀少数民族教师特征进行了分析归纳和理论构建。经描述性模式、解释性模式到“理想类型” 模式的理论构建过程,最终以场域理论作为分析框架,由教师理性在“社会理性” 和“自利理性” 间的3种状态———理性自觉、经验自发、自利本能,结合教育场域中外部管理和支持的强弱程度,划分出6种不同的教学形态。在民族教育场域,优秀少数民族教师具有理性自觉意识、反思实践能力和适宜于民族教育的实践性知识,这些思维和行动特征是他们“成为优秀”的价值根基、行动机制和知识资本。
英文摘要 Based on the multi-cases samples of minority teachers in minority nationality areas, this study builds three theory models of the excellent minority teachers’ characteristics: descriptive model, explanatory model and ideal model. By examining three modes of teachers’ practical rationality: a mode in which teachers possess rationality in teaching practice, a mode in which teachers practice by teaching, and a mode in which teachers do not have rationality, and by situating three modes in the context of external environment and support conditions, this study offers six categories for classification. For excellent minority teachers in minority nationality areas, teachers’ rationality is the value foundation to improve teaching quality; reflective practice is the practical mechanism to improve teaching effect; practical knowledge suitable for minority language and cultural background is the knowledge capital to improve teaching quality.
頁次 070-077
關鍵詞 少数民族教师 教师特征 案例研究 minority teacher teacher characteristics multi-case study CSSCI
卷期 31:6
日期 201911
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心