

篇名 成人之美:運用同儕教練鷹架發展資優教育與普通教育課程的共構
並列篇名 Cultivating Personhood: The Collaborative Curriculum Design Between Gifted Education Teachers and General Education Teachers Through Peer Coaching
作者 陳偉仁(Wei-Ren Chen) 、黃楷茹(Kai-Ju Huang) 、吳青陵(Ching-Ling Wu) 、呂金燮(Chin-Hsieh Lu)
中文摘要 臺灣資優教育實施四十多年,在教育現場孕育實踐智慧,需要持續的檢視與革新,並積極發揮課程領導的精神,做為教育現場能動性的活水。課程轉化期間若有批判的諍友,教師可藉由對話反思課程實施的品質,將對課程創新賦予創新且多元的專業意義,同儕教練是引動教師課程創新,提升教師專業發展的有效方式之一。本文回顧資優教育領域中同儕教練∕諮詢的運用,接著敘述一個資優成長團體如何建構「設計本位學習」課程轉化的同儕教練鷹架,和普通教育教師設計創新課程,邁向資普教育間的互映與共構。
英文摘要 Gifted education that cultivated practical wisdom in educational settings has evolved in Taiwan in the past forty years. This study examined the need for continuous quality improvement in gifted education and strengthened curriculum leadership to promote educational excellence. For teachers, reflection on quality of innovative curriculum design and implementation as well as dialogue on curriculum transformation must be supported. Peer coaching is one of effective ways to elicit teachers’ professional development. In this paper, peer coaching/consultation in gifted education were first reviewed, followed by a description of how a gifted education professional team worked as a peer coach during the curriculum transformation to Design-Based Learning and how they worked together with general education teachers for innovative curriculum design.
頁次 001-012
關鍵詞 同儕教練 課程轉化 設計本位學習 專業發展 peer coaching curriculum transformation Design-Based Learning professional development
卷期 149
日期 201904
刊名 資優教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6218/GEQ.201904_(149).1-12