

篇名 地方層級學校型態實驗教育審議會組織與運作初探:以公立實驗教育學校計畫審議為焦點
並列篇名 An exploratory study on the organization and operation of the school-based Experimental Education Review Committee at the local government level: Focusing on review the public experimental education school plan
作者 葉明政(YEH, Ming-Cheng)
中文摘要 依據「學校型態實驗教育實施條例」第5條之規定,地方政府應成立學校型態實驗教育審議會,負責學校型態實驗教育之審議、監督及政策與資源協調等相關事項。本研究旨在瞭解當前學校型態實驗教育審議會的組織概況與運作過程,以揭開從法規層次到實質審議行動之間的多元動態過程。為達此目的,本文先分析學校型態實驗教育審議會相關法規之設計內涵,次以「文達市」學校型態實驗教育審議會為研究個案,透過訪談與文件分析,逐一分析其所處的背景脈絡、相關參與者投入狀況與審議會運作過程,並對審議成果進行整體評估,以呈現學校型態實驗教育審議會當前運作現況。研究發現:一、文達市以漸進不急躁的方式處理推動實驗教育之壓力,且充分運用審議會成員資源協助推動實驗教育。二、文達市審議會對實驗教育採取鼓勵態度,並重視校長領導能力與學校團隊的永續經營。三、部分成員希望審議會能增加引導陪伴及健全評鑑機制。最後,根據研究所得提出對學校型態實驗教育之啟示。
英文摘要 According to the article 5 of "Enforcement Act for School-based Experimental Education", the local government should establish the school-based Experimental Education Review Committee (SEERC), which to review, supervision, coordination of policy and resources, and other relevant matters of school-based experimental education. The main purpose of this study is to inquiry the organization and operation of the SEERC at the local government level. The laws and policy contents of the SEERC were analyzed first. Secondly, this study selects the SEERC in “Wenda City” (anonymous) as the case, using interviews and document analysis to realize the current operation of SEERC. The conclusions of this study are listed as follows: (a) Wenda City adopted a gradual manner to handle the pressure of promoting experimental education, and used the SEERC members’ resources within promoting experimental education. (b) The SEERC kept an encouraging attitude to experimental education, and attached great importance to the principal’s leadership and the sustainable team development. (c) Some members hope that the SEERC can increase guidance and companionship and improve the evaluation mechanism. Finally, further suggestions were offered basing on the research findings. Hopefully, this study will provide valuable reference for school-based experimental education.
頁次 063-092
關鍵詞 學校型態實驗教育 學校型態實驗教育審議會 試探性研究 school-based experimental education school-based experimental education review committee (SEERC) exploratory study
卷期 43
日期 202106
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
DOI 10.7038/JETP.202106_(43).0003