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篇名 新手教保員初次實施學習區教學之困境與因應
並列篇名 A Novice Preschool Educator's Challenges and Coping Strategies when Implementing Interest Learning Areas in the Preschool Classroom
作者 黃靖雯(Ching-Wen Huang)
中文摘要 本研究係採質性研究方法,藉由個案的訪談、文件蒐集、觀察等方式,探討一位新手教保員在新成立幼兒園中初次實施學習區遊戲取向教學時,所面臨之教學困境與因應對策。研究結果發現新手教保員初遇學習區,主要會面臨環境設計、內容規劃與幼兒觀察等三大挑戰。該個案教保員在這三大挑戰下歷經了個人的成長與轉變,包括:在環境設計部分,從原來便於教師管理的觀點轉向便於幼兒使用的觀點,在設計上亦從傳統大學習區調整為區中區的設計;在內容規劃上,從教師觀點為主的規劃思維轉變為以幼兒興趣為主的遊戲情境設計,個案也從原來隨興自由安排的做法轉向有目的性的安排,並意識到各區教材(包括:每個教/玩具、工作盤)背後蘊藏著學科知識的概念及結構,需要進一步分析、理解其目的與功能,才能掌握規劃要領;在幼兒觀察上,從原來形式表面的觀察轉向嘗試理解幼兒的意圖及能力。此外,本研究亦發現,個案新手教保員能快速突破困境、瞭解學習區教學運作的兩個重要關鍵因素為「個人積極的內在動力」與「輔導機制的建立與支持」。
英文摘要 This study uses a qualitative approach to investigate the challenges faced by a novice preschool educator in her classroom and the strategies she adopted when implementing the preschool educational approach that promotes play-based learning through teacher's intentional design and teaching in Interest Learning Areas. Data collected using onsite observation, interview, and document files were organized and analyzed. The research results reflected the novice educator's three major challenges, including environmental design, analyzing teaching materials and observing children. First of all, in terms of environmental design, space arrangement and traffic pattern, the notice educator transformed her teaching mindset from teacher-centered to child-centered. Instead of providing conventional large areas to children, she ensures children's accessibility and convenience in the operation of teaching materials and design functional private learning space in large interest areas. Secondly, as to instructional content, her teaching decision is from randomly to intentionally. At first, she was not familiar with the pedagogical knowledge structure behind the teaching materials and had superficial observations on the children; however, she was devoted to exploring and analyzing teaching materials and attempted to develop an in-depth understanding of the children. Finally, she is able to observe children's learning on a deeper level and interpret children's intentions and capacity. Throughout the study, two critical factors that helped the novice preschool teacher to overcome predicaments were the personal, internal motivation and the external, environmental support.
頁次 071-090
關鍵詞 學習區 新手教保員 專業發展 learning areas novice preschool educators professional development
卷期 33
日期 202212
刊名 幼兒教育年刊
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學幼兒教育系