

篇名 十二年國民基本教育完全免試入學政策之實踐探析
並列篇名 An Analysis of the 12-Year Basic Education Policy Practice of the Completely Examination-Free Admission Program in Taiwan
作者 陳美蓮(Mei-Lien Chen) 、曾璧光(Pi-Kuang Tseng) 、宋修德(Hsiu-Te Sung)
中文摘要 十二年國民基本教育入學制度是教育政策的重大變革與亮點。教育部為實踐十二年國教之政策意旨,自2017年開始進行完全免試入學計畫的推動與實施,期能更完全展現十二年國教的精神與意涵。本研究藉由文獻探討完全免試入學政策對應之十二年國教實踐疑義,釐清十二年國教之政策與發展,並透過文件分析及焦點團體訪談法進行資料蒐集,探析完全免試政策規劃在十二年國教政策之精神實踐、實務效益與相關問題。結論發現:一、完全免試入學推動計畫落實十二年國教之真正免試意涵,在發展六年一貫課程、增進職涯試探機會與促進就近入學導引皆具指標性意義。二、參與計畫之國、高中可建立課程合作鏈結、發展教師專業學習社群、形塑學校的特色與優質文化。三、宜建立有效計畫推動之合作整合機制,以提升適性學習區各中等學校之競爭力。
英文摘要 The 12-Year Basic Education admission system is a major change and highlight in education policy. In order to realize the policy intent of 12-Year Basic Education, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has been promoting and implementing the completely “Examination-Free” admission program since 2017, in the hope that it can more fully demonstrate the spirit and meaning of 12-Year Basic Education. This study used literature to explore the practical doubts of 12-Years Basic Education and to clarify the policy and development of 12-Year Basic Education. Also, through documentary analysis and focus group interviews, we collected data to explore the spirit, effectiveness and issues related to the implementation of the completely “Examination-Free” policy in 12-Year Basic Education. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The promotion plan for completely examination-free admission implements the spirit of the 12-Year Basic Education’s exemption fromexaminations. The development of a six-year consistent curriculum, the promotion of career exploration opportunities and the promotion of nearby admissions guidance are all indicative. 2. Participating high schools can establish curriculum cooperation links, develop teachers’ professional learning communities, and shape the school’s characteristics and high-quality culture. 3. It is advisable to establish a cooperative integration mechanism promoted by effective plans to enhance the competitiveness of secondary schools in the adaptive learning zone.
頁次 043-076
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育 六年一貫課程 完全免試入學 資源挹注計畫 12-Year Basic Education six-year consistent curriculum completely examination-free admission resource support program TSSCI
卷期 25:2
日期 202205
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.53106/156082982022052502002