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篇名 明道中學「明道學」的創建與成效
並列篇名 The Establishment and Achievements of “Mingdao Sustainable Development Platform”
作者 汪大久(Albert T. Wang)
中文摘要 明道中學興學肇始於1969年,辦學50年來已成為擁有國中、高中、高職、國際四部的完全中學,強化「品格教育、扎根固本、人文素養、社會關懷、文化創意、國際視野」六大發展主軸,已初步達成學生「在明道,發現你自己」的目標,成為博雅教育、各界肯定的優質中學。邁入下一個50年,除在既有基礎上持續發展,更要藉助前瞻的教育理念與創新作為,秉持「學生中心、成果導向、持續改進」的理念,融合明道核心能力與12年國教核心素養,整合家長與校友資源,透過正式課程、活動課程及潛在課程,強化「全人、創新、國際」的明道品牌,突出「第一、唯一、專一、特一」的四一策略,以構建「明道學」,營造幸福、「讓全球發現明道」的領航學校。
英文摘要 Mingdao High School (MDHS), founded 50 years ago, 1969, is a grade 7-12 comprehensive high school with 4 departments, Junior High, Senior High, Vocational High, and International Department. MDHS has enhanced the core developments, including “Character Education,” “Knowledge Consolidation,” “Humanistic Literacy,” “Social Caring,” “Cultural Innovation,” and “International Perspectives,” and achieved the initial goal of “Discover Yourself at Mingdao,” leading MDHS towards a liberal arts and well-recognized high school in Taiwan. To turn the page and begin a new chapter in the next 50 years, MDHS shall not only continue developing on the existing foundation but also adhere to the “Student- Centered,” “Outcome-Based,” and “Continuously Improved” ideals and values in prospective educational and innovative actions. With these, the core abilities of MDHS and the core competencies of 12-year basic education can be harmonized; whereas, parents and alumni resources can be integrated. Through the formal, extracurricular, and prospective courses, the MDHS Brand of “Holistic Education,” “Innovation,” and “International Perspectives” can be fortified. The strategies featuring “the first,” “the only,” “the most devoted,” and “the most distinctive,” enable MDHS to establish the “Mingdao Sustainable Development Platform”, leading towards a school of happiness that the world will discover.
頁次 036-051
關鍵詞 全人 明道中學 明道學 國際教育 創新 holistic Mingdao High School Mingdao Sustainable Development Platform international education innovation
卷期 319
日期 202011
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020110319003